100% Mount Speed at 40 in BGs?

of course if it does turn out that the mount is busted in that manner then I’ll gladly eat my own shoe over it, but I’m confident it won’t be :stuck_out_tongue:


I just think media sources kneejerk assuming things is frustrating. They do it because it gets clicks but don’t understand the manufactured fallout from getting things wrong.

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Seems to be a lot of that going around. Which is why I prefer to research on a subject matter, before I spew out things claiming as “facts”.

YT personalities are still “strangers”. You don’t know who they are, personally, do you? Us Forum Posters are no “stranger” than YT personalities are, but I digress.

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I suppose you’re right. I should have just checked MMO-champ or wowhead for myself.

Mhm, I can

EDIT: There’s a Tab that says “Modified By” and then shows “Riding”.

The word “Modify” means:

  • make partial or minor changes to (something), typically so as to improve it or to make it less extreme.
  • transform (a structure) from its original anatomical form during development or evolution.
  • (especially of an adjective) restrict or add to the sense of (a noun)

IMO, that means depending on your Riding Skill will the Mount Speed be “modified” to match your said Riding Skill.


Yeah, I didn’t know scaling mounts were a thing until today. Thanks though. :smiley:

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That’s unfair, they are all doing youtube videos for watch time, that’s the whole point of the platform. You made it sound like these youtubers are either one way or the other, but that’s just no true. There are several WoW youtubers who present things as neutral as they can.

will we need to buy 100% riding skill from trainer to use the 100% Stalker mount? Or will we be able to go 100% without buying the epic riding skill, anyone know? Blues?

Of course I’m exaggerating a bit, that’s part of the joke

While we won’t know for certain until blizzard clarifies/TBC launches, it’s reasonable to assume you will still have to train the relevant riding for each mount level, as that’s how mounts have always worked in the past, even store and CE mounts




This link https://tbc.wowhead.com/spell=348459/reawakened-phase-hunter suggests the Mount is “Modified by Riding”.

what’s the cost to train Epic 100% riding in TBC? anyone know?

Two questions:

1.) Why do people think that this mount is 100%?

2.) Why would people be able to mount at 30? I played during TBC and leveled classic to 70 and couldn’t mount until level 40, was this added in later TBC patches that we are starting on?

Datamined info from a youtuber with no in game testing.

I assume the mount will work the same as retail mounts, 40 is 60%, 60 is 100%, but it shows as a lv 40 mount on a lv 60 char so they can use it.


Because some (not all) ignore context.

Here’s the only link that’s not a video that expresses this mount hits 100% Speed:
The context here is the tab that days “Modified by Riding”.

IDK if Blizz will follow that or not. But, it was mentioned in this artic3ke created back in 2008: https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/wow-to-get-mounts-at-level-30

So I did a fair bit of research about the mount coming with the deluxe edition and I can safely say that it will have scaling mount speed. Firstly the argument, it would break the 30+ twink bracket meta/PVP and make it pay to win to be able to run down people without that mount.

Now the proof, I compared other TBC mount “spells.” so in this case https://tbc.wowhead.com/spell=34896/cobalt-war-talbuk
You can see in the text that it says “this is a very fast mount” and though it has mod mounted speed 100% it is categorized different than the warpstalker


If you look at the section next to Used by item, “modifed by” you’ll see it is modified by Riding skill Journeyman which the Talbuk spell lacks. This is reflected in the text, and you can toggle Journeyman riding which changes the text from “Summons and dismisses a rideable Phase-Hunter.” to "
Summons and dismisses a rideable Phase-Hunter. This is a very fast mount."
This information is generally data-mined by Wowhead so it is safe to assume that the warpstalker mount has scaling speed and you will still need to pay for the individual

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I frankly am unsure why they thought otherwise as I am sure blizzard remembers the sparkle pony controversy and mounts scaled with speed after that into eternity.

Youtubers/twitch streamers misunderstand everything, that’s how they get viewers. They make issues out of things that aren’t issues by blowing them out of proportion and trying to make them comparable to other bad things that’ve happened, when theres actually no relation.

I feel like this is confusion, and it’s just a mount that can transition from a lvl 40 mount, to a 60 mount, but still requires training. I could be wrong though

b-bu-but ! my anti narrative!