100% health over 4 seconds most OP racial

Only way such a racial would work is if it had an extremely long cool down such as 10 minutes. In a sense, the equivalent of a paladin’s lay on hands ability. Otherwise, it would need to be nerfed to the ground or only work out of combat.

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Even then it would still be ridiculous. It’s a nearly free full heal for a rogue or cat, and even anyone with a Bloodthorn Loop or invis pot could get some serious use out of it in combat.

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Im sure its getting nerfed but how much to not make it game breaking like a shaman macro with healing surge and the heal racial or a rogue using evasion heal racial with crystal vile.how a bout a druid macroing regenration and the heal racial then switching to bear form to heal full?

Even if nerfed it still could be game breaking.

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Very true. But they won’t pay that close of attention. They want every player in the game to go Horde, if you haven’t already noticed.

“Out of combat” is way OP still, but probably the best we’ll get when it hits live (if we even get that).

It’s silly a racial like this was even announced for the PTR. Blizzard employees didn’t think this would result in contention throughout the community? That’s just sad if not; until it’s nerfed the Horde favoritism conspiracy theories should continue.

and disabled in pvp.

They are on like a very long cd if you select one but they arnt random there are 2 heal racials one is the channeled 4 sec one and the other is based off of attack power.thats the one thats my concern because its instant cast.

You can macro it with a healing surge or a rogue could macro it with crystal vile and pop evasion and heal full.

I normally don’t pay much attention to racials, but yeah…this is broken.

Yep! That too.

Make new race OP.
People will play new OP race and keep players subscribed.

Once metrics is achieved, nerf OP race to the ground.

The fact a blue has not even attempted to stop the rumors confirmed what I said yesterday. They are going to launch these OP racials live to make as much $$$ as they can before they nerf them from the outrage.

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They threw up a number for the ptr so they can test where the final values should be. Also if you read the blue post on it they said it will likely also break on damage. If they keep it higher value I would not be surprised if they buff the undead heal as well. When testing a new mechanic sometimes you just throw a value and give it a try on the ptr.

It’s already confirmed to not be going live in this stage.


There was a blue post already, it’s actually in this conversation near the top. I’ll quote what they said but there’s a link as well.

one of my guild mates was testing it on his paladin and he said it was op af.

Oh yeah, as it stands currently, if it wasn’t changed it’d be a must have. Even if you only got 1 second of a cast off everytime, 25% max health on a 1.5 minute cooldown is pretty crazy good for a racial.

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even so if its nerfed just think about what it can do.say you are in a wsg and getting attacked you can dip in to the hut and before some one get to you heal up they will have to increase the channel maybe to 6 sec and reduce the percent healing to 50%.

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It’s the PTR. This is kind of it’s sole purpose. Testing.

Calm down.


If they keep the racial as-is, trying to kill a Paladin should be fun :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The loa racial you’re referencing is not an active you could macro into anything. You select one of the 6 passive choices, and it has a 25 day cooldown to swap on ptr atm.

If your referencing regen, blizz already stated the numbers are not final, and it will be interrupted with damage.

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