They were protodrakes without any titanic powers at the time.
They threw a rock and a bunch of ice down the back of Galacrond’s mouth and he choked to death because he didn’t have a strong enough gag reflex.
They were protodrakes without any titanic powers at the time.
They threw a rock and a bunch of ice down the back of Galacrond’s mouth and he choked to death because he didn’t have a strong enough gag reflex.
Honestly the whole this guy behind this guy behind this guy is just so bad at this point. I actually kinda became sympathetic to Zovaal after his death cinematic but Blizzard still did a piss poor job of character and plot development and him being behind manipulating Sargeras and Arthas is some of the worst they’ve ever done lore wise.
My mistake, I mixed up the order of events.
He was still crazy strong, absorbing other proto-drakes power. Could have his first resurrected act be eating one of the Aspects or something.
Not sure it’s a good concept yet with Galakrond as it appears as similar to the concept of the Jailer feeding off souls to become stronger.
Already got my favorite choice already. Heh.
The thing with leaks is that it’s usually going to be little things that slip by without anyone noticing on Blizzards end.
As an example:
During WOTLK they fixed the bug that allowed hunters to tame Shadowfang keep Worgen. and of course “WORGEN RACE CONFIRMED!” popped up and everyone started yelling back and forth.
Then some people datamining saw that Goblin and Worgen halloween masks were in the halloween costume files.
So, then people started yelling back and forth about how Worgen would never be playable, and how Goblins would be neutral and only unlocked by people exhalted with all 4 cartels, etc etc…
So I would expect something like that. The bones thing fits the bill, but right now that’s just one thing. Needs more corroboration.
That he was. They were also very clear that the Zombie protodrakes weren’t undead. They were something else that wasn’t as well defined. We also haven’t seen the Dragon and Bird afterlife, G’hanir, in the Shadowlands.
There’s also Chromatus, which is totally a thing.
They added that undead dragon boss to the Starting area as well with SL prepatch, so there’s proof of concept at least.
You’ve heard of fighting Deathwing’s spine, now get ready to fight Galakrond’s spines…er, the spiky kind of spines growing on his spine. Galakron’s spinal spines.
An entire raid just traveling up his back.
Perhaps Ogrezonia will be involved?
The way the story read when I read it was they took him out while they were protodrakes and then were gifted power by the Titan keepers afterwards.
It’d be hype. If they do it…
Also there already was a Maldraxxian style building in that vicinity. That’s where they put Naxxramas in wrath
Well this doesn’t make any sense.
He was bigger than Deathwing, so probably.
Honestly hate Warcraft Dragons and fighting Galkrond is going to be so lame… at least Deathwing looked cool, Galkrond is literally just a giant stupid lizard with zero motive.
OR… was he just playing his part in an EPIC FIVE DEE CHESS MATCH by a primordial cosmic force all along, who was only acting to prevent another primordial cosmic force that is TITAN PLUS PLUS PLUS PLUS from killing us all by killing us all earlier?
His size alone was greater than all of the Aspects combined,[4] large enough that the only possible being Galakrond could be compared to was himself. His roar could be heard from miles around, and the flap of his wings generated powerful wind.[7] As he continued to consume the life-energies of his fellow proto-dragons, Galakrond grew hideous mutations all over his body (such as limbs and even eyes) and his skin started to decay, almost as if he had become an undead like his victims.[8]
Seems pretty interesting to me.
Yeah I got the timeline of events mixed up in my head.
I think having the biggest apex predator ever known to Azeroth roaming around could pose a threat.
No motives, no agendas, just an unending hunger that only makes him grow in power.
Sick of these twists within the twists trying to “subvert our expectations” already.
Galakrond was clearly duped into being a big dumb gobbleboi by The Primus via agents of a dominated Zovaal to trick the Titans into empowering the 5 protodrakes that fought him because they needed Nozdormu to lose his mind and form the Infinite Dragonflight. Duh.
my correction giant stupid zombie lizard with zero motive.
Denathrius is the true mastermind, we will be seeing him again next expansion for sure.
As much as I love dragons. (Seriously all the regulars who know me know this.) I can not even imagine fighting Galakrond, like he is huge. Incomprehensibly large. Like he would make Deathwing look like an ordinary lizard in comparison. It was said every time he flew he blackened the skies of entire continents.
I hope we get dragons. But how on earth could we meaningfully fight Galakrond? Ripping off one toenail at a time?
And that’s how Malygos learned to use Domination Magic to make a captive red dragon into his… umm… “intimate partner” against her will.
It all makes sense.
Glad we can all ignore your bad take. Just like most of the threads you post.