100 Exalted Reputations - Continuing Issues

First thing: I posted back in December when the 8.1 changes went into effect concerning two mysterious extra reputations that were counting in my tracker. Still have no concrete clarification on that.

I’ve been through every character I have, and tallied their reputations. I confirmed that Scryers/Aldor, Oracles/Frenzyheart are not counting as four reputations, I have finished Ogri’la, and am now showing 96/100 reputations on my tracker in-game even though I only have 94…

Edit 4/4: The following postulate has been Tentatively Verified

I am considering the possibility that having had Tranquillien on my character while Horde, and then transferring to Alliance (and back again several times :neutral_face:), where I had in the past completed the Wintersaber rep, has somehow counted for two reputations. I can only imagine this because they aren’t technically opposite factions; I earned the reputation separately. I completed Wintersaber Trainers when I was originally Alliance back in Vanilla, and then I did the reputation for Tranquillien doing the quests when I switched to Horde at one point.

Also, they aren’t displayed as: Wintersaber Trainers/Tranquillien; they’re from completely different expansions after all. The Wintersaber’s mount switches to the raptor from Un’goro Crater, it has nothing to do with Tranquillien. Basically, as I figure, they don’t cancel each other out like normal faction-specific reputations, you just can’t have either one while you are the opposite faction…so they disappear. Perhaps, then, that reputation, while it does disappear when you switch faction, is still counting toward the total?

Edit 4/4 Cont. Explanation:

Verified this on a new account, completed the Tranquillien reputation quests on a Horde toon, and when an Alliance toon was made it showed 1/5 on the tracker for the 5 Exalted Reputations achievement. A friend who had Wintersabers but had never done Tranquillien completed the quests, and they also had their counter go up by one on their Alliance toon.

Still considering this “Tentative” until I finish the dailies for Wintersabers on my Alliance toon and verify they both count. But, since my Alliance toon is counting a Horde-only rep, and my friend is seeing both counting, I’m 99% sure this is verified.

Still no idea what the second mystery reputation is…sigh

Second issue sort of stems from the first: I’ve been keeping better track of what reputations are appearing/counting, and where they’re appearing/counting (trying to figure out The Mystery of the Two Reps), and I did a quick tally of which reputations aren’t listed on my character profile on the website (and by extension on Wowhead).

Website is Missing:

  • Emperor Shaohao
  • Pearlfin Jinyu/ Forest Hozen
  • Dragonmaw Clan/ Wildhammer Clan
  • Knights of the Ebon Blade
  • Tushui Pandaren/ Huojin Pandaren

So, yeah. I got nothing.

Any insight from anyone? It’s been a few months, maybe someone else figured something out…

Edit: Possibility of the Hidden Parent Reputations for Alliance/Horde and Steamwheedle being the extra (even though they never counted before). Working on this on my separate, new account to verify.

Netherwing? That one also doesn’t show on Armory, afaik

It may be a hidden reputation, like the ‘Alliance’, which is the parent rep for the classic SW, Darn, IF, etc. Its not displayed anywhere.

You can Google “warcraft hidden reputation addon” and the top result is a wowace page from 2009 about some addon that has long since been abandoned, but was about showing these few hidden reps in the rep tab in-game.

I do see Netherwing on the Armory just below Kurenai.

That is possible. Alliance and Tranquillien would be my 2-count. Or Alliance and Steamwheedle Cartel with Tranquillien not counting at all.

However, the Alliance and Horde parent reps have not counted toward the counts for (Number of) Exalted Reputations achievements before…nor I believe did the parent cartel rep.

If this was a change with patch 8.1 they didn’t mention it anywhere. I’d be interested to know if that’s the case. Steamwheedle and parent faction would explain several people’s mysterious +2 jump in reputations.

Hmmm. Now I see it too. Which leaves me wondering what my own 5th “not on the armory” exalted is… I’ll have to go back through the list again :slight_smile:

Okay, I went back and looked again and the 5 you mention are the only ones I see in game but not in my armory. But even in game I only see 94 exalted and the achievement tracker says I have 95. shrug I got nothing.

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So. Important question in my ponderings:
Did/Do you have Tranquillien on a Horde toon?

Also, you should finish Black Prince next Mists timewalking; can buy badges. :woman_shrugging:

As far as tranquillien, I have to go with “probably”. I know I’ve taken a couple of horde characters through the entire questline, which as far as I know means they should have gotten exalted, but I don’t believe I have any of those toons anymore, and I think they were deleted before the 100-exalted achievement started sharing, so I don’t know if they’d count anyway.

I didn’t know there were commendations for Black Prince. I’d seen them for the other factions, but aside from Shaohao I have them exalted already and I figured I’d just grind mobs for Shaohao while working on other Isle stuff. Are they adding a BP commendation?

For some reason I thought I had seen it last time I went to Timeless Isle during timewalking, but I must have been dreaming.

Nope, can only do the Celestials each week for 500 rep.

Shaohao though, that there definitely are tokens for.

by the by, there’s a comment on the wowhead page for tranquillien faction that someone had their horde alt do the rep and it did count for their alliance side 100 rep count. So I think we can call that one tentatively confirmed. I’d be tempted to try to verify it myself except I’d need to create a new account not attached to this battle.net account :slight_smile:

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Just verified this with someone who had Wintersabers, but not Tranquillien.

Also created a new account and did the Tranquillien quests on a Horde toon, and sure enough, my 5 Exalted Reputations achievement tracker shows 1/5 on my baby Alliance toon.

Going to do Wintersabers on the Alliance toon and see if that goes up to 2/5. Also, going to do the Alliance cities and see if i get a magical extra one from the parent rep.

Who knows? :woman_shrugging:

Good luck :slight_smile: