100 Exalted Reputations account wide?

I’m not able to find a definitive answer but I was under the impression that this achievement was account wide-as in, rep for both my Alliance and Horde characters count. Am I mistaken in this? Is it like the mount achievement in that it only counts for one character?

“Rejoice brothers and sisters in 8.1 progress towards “Earn X Exalted Reputations” will be account wide!” - Terrorshark

It looks like the achievement is account-wide, as of patch 8.1. I believe that they must be unique reputations on your characters, though. For example, being exalted with Stormwind on two characters will only count for one reputation towards the 100. I hope this helps!

The reputations have to be unique. Being exalted with Orgrimmar AND Stormwind won’t count as two seperate reps.


Oh wow. I thought it had to be all on one character.

That’s how I did it…


WELL aren’t YOU Mr. Popular… :smirk:

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I got 93 on one character and was dreading trying to get some of the remainder which other characters are closer to exalted with.

Bwahahaha sucker.

… actually, this is how I did it too. We’re both suckers :sob:

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me too… but only because i wanted to do it that way :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yes it is account-wide. It should be also noted that the unlocked reputation benefits (ie rewards at faction quartermasters) are specific to each character which is a bit different from what you are asking but I figured that I’d point it out anyway.

If it’s account wide, does that mean you could make 100 characters, get them all exalted with the same faction, and get the achievement?

No. Like someone said earlier, they have to be unique reputations.

All Blizzard did was just add a nice QOL feature that doesn’t make you grind the same reputation twice.

Does it count opposite faction counterparts as different reps?

also no.

…as someone explained above. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Hate to necro but I just noticed I may be close to this IF it’s account wide indeed. I’m at 66 reps on this guy but he’s only been my main since Legion, have a bunch of other reps maxed from my old main.

How to keep track of the total among multiple characters though, that’s the question.

Edit: Nvm I’m not close at all lol, it shows at 66 on all characters.

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I checked on a number of my characters of both factions and they all showed the same (in my case 84/90). The first one I checked was my oldest character, made back in Wrath, then I looked at toon made just this week, on a different server, and it showed the same. Not sure why you would see different numbers.

PS: just saw your edit.

Next time work smarter, not harder.

It’s definitely account wide. I only have 98 on my warrior, but got it when I got a couple more on this toon.

You don’t deserve the achievement unless you do the Legion PvP bird faction (can’t remember what it’s called).