Heh, spotted a few more relevant threads I’ve made on this particular topic, if anyone is interested. I won’t regurgitate all of them here for the sake of it.
Twilight Highlands Allied Races
The Dragonmaw and Wildhammer Clans
Credit: Sunstrider89
Corrupt forces stir once again in the depths of Grim Batol.
The Twilight Dragonflight returns.
The Black Prince sends his agents across Azeroth to observe.
Who can the Alliance and Horde rely on to tackle these forthcoming draconic threats? Who can provide a base of operations for our factions? Who can provide expertise in airborne comba…
I am a huge fan of all things draconic, particularly in WoW. They’ve been an integral part of the lore for since WarCraft II. Unfortunately, this hasn’t been reflected in our actual gameplay choices. Among other options, such as playable draconic races, I would love to see that remedied with a Dragonsworn class. If you will indulge me a moment, here is a “brief” concept:
The power of the Dragonflights is waning. Their situation is dire, as they no longer have the numbers required to se…
I have to get around to doing up a thread for Drakonids, as well…