100 Canadian dollars for 6 months of game time

Overdramatic scenarios for $500, Alex

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Maximum white people spice, or maximum everyone spice… I feel we must denote this distinction :stuck_out_tongue:

No thanks.

I did sub runs out in 2 months I think.

I like to see more class balance and more utilities for specs that current don’t have them. The reason why we have DH, rouges, WW monk wanted in M+ is not just their damage but the utilities they bring. Then you have class that does decent damage like fury warrior but no one wants cos they don’t have the utilities to help the group out.

Tank is also not balance. Don’t even need to point that when you have groups waiting for a port warrior rather than accepting any other tanks.

Healers have it worse. 2 spec is good the rest is meh with holy pally being ok but the rest as just really under turn for m+.

This all have been told and mention to blizzard during alpha and beta with thousands and thousands of comments and some players even wrote paragraphs on what’s the issue and bugs and how to fix it. They aren’t raging or angry or just throwing a fit, they were well organized feedback and blizzard did nothing.

Then don’t complain about the egg prices

It’s funny how so many people think chickens are hard to raise when they literally are the most easiest pets to take care of

I made a statement about how their eggs were more expensive. That’s not a complaint, it’s simply a statement of fact. Good gravy.

everyone spice.

Didn’t Blizzard state that China was about 3% of revenue last year?

that’s still 3% less money coming in.

If I had to live on one style of food the rest of my life Thai would be it. So good.

Everyone can make an actual budget. It’s literally a list of your incomes and a list of your spending and adhering to it and not over spending money you budgeted elsewhere.

I’m not condescending, don’t call it a budget if it’s not a budget.

for me it would be indian/pakistani food.

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They raised the OCE sub from $15 to $20 when we got SL. I think we were footing the bill for the lawsuits as we got a pretty average expansion with SL.

You’re lucky to have restaurants at all. I live in rural california in a town of 20,000 people. There are 12 restaurants. An italian place, 3 pizza places, 2 mexican food places, a thai place, and 5 fast food restaurants.

Probably within annual variations though. I suspect that rising interest rates and soaring energy costs will probably hit their bottom line more.

imagine wasting time on grid when in a real job you can get way more

Had dinner at Dorsia last night. It was $2,500 per person. $100 for six months of WoW is cheap.

Did Patrick Bateman stop by?

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Yes. But he had to leave early to return some video tapes.

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Yikes all this talk on price of eggs, makes me afraid to go anywhere else. Where I am at, my sub is worth like 3 dozen large/jumbo eggs.