10 years of Skyrim..... but 17 of WoW

We’re coming up on the 10th anniversary of of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, released 11/11/11. It feels like so long ago now. So many ports were made on so many systems. Are they still making ports?

However, even by 11/11/11 World of Warcraft was already nearing it’s 7th anniversary and was already halfway through the lifespan of the Cataclysm expansion that reset the two major continents. Vanilla, BC and Wrath were already old news. The Foo Fighters just wrapped up closing ceremonies at BlizzCon after MoP was revealed.

It sometimes boggles my mind how old World of Warcraft is. Hell, even the predecessor for Skyrim, Oblivion, was released a year and a half after WoW launched.

Many of the players today were just infants (I was in college myself after a four years stint in the military). I mean, think of the PCs we were using back then? I think I was still using my self build AMD XP PC from NewEgg parts to play Vanilla, or maybe it was that cheap Dell PC? Those hefty CRT monitors that took up your whole desk?

How is this game still running to this day? It’s sort of amazing, all things considered.


We should do stuff for 12/22/21 on 12:22.21am like releasing 9.2

It better not take until December 2022!

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Do you get to the Cloud District very often?


Of course I don’t.

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Curved swords!

Yep, if WoW was a person it would almost be legally allowed to vote.

How horrifying.

Also mortifying that there are people who could join this game next year and be adults who were born at the same time WoW came out. Already kind of weird to interact with people at work who were born after 9/11.

Having just turned 30 these thoughts occur to me a lot more than they used to.

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Christ I feel old reading that. o_o

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On a related note, as a PSA for folks playing SE:


I miss having 11/11/11 or 12/12/12 :frowning:

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i’d say the game is walking with a frame atm not running

Wait until you turn 40!

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