10 man or Flex Mythic needs to come back

10 man raiding was the most fun this game has ever been, in my opinion. That valley between too skilled to enjoy flex and too much self esteem for mythic raid currently has only one option: m+. And as much as I love m+, I’d trade it in a heartbeat for 10 man mythic.

How can something that never existed come back?

Mythic has always been 20m from when it was introduced in WoD.

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It was in MOP and i think ti was flex back then.

Mythic was introduced in the WoD pre patch, so yes, technically during MoP, but only for SoO, and only at the very end.

Mythic has only ever been 20. Flex was a different difficulty that became normal during the WoD pre patch, and the flex functionality was added to heroic, which had previously been called normal.


I consider the prepatches to be part of the expansion that they are the prepatch of. As the prepatch brings in many system changes that come with said expansion. Also it is the first patch of that expansions patch cycle. So while the raid difficulty changes that came with the WoD prepatch did affect Siege of Orgrimmar, I still consider those changes to be from WoD, not MoP.

Heroic used to be mythic and it had 10 man raids.

But they weren’t called “10 man mythic”

GD wouldn’t be GD without semantic arguments and a dogged avoidance of the actual topic.

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But this isn’t GD.

True but to make that distinction is pedantic.