10 levels and no stronger than the end of BFA

I wasn’t even talking about you. Did you not read the post I originally replied to?

yes i did. i am making the point that ALL CLASSES should be able to solo it. NOT SPECIFIC CLASSES AND SPECS.


2 expansions should be soloable by any spec, period. That means mythic not normal diff.


They can. The person I repliednto SPECIFICALLY said GUARDIAN DRUID. I responded with play a BALANCE DRUID.

You are not getting the point. We are not talking about BFA. Anything before BFA should be clearable by any spec.

At 60 we should be able to 1 shot the pigs outside Ogrimmar or the Wolves outside Stormwind irrespective of spec. Hopefully this clears it up.

Yes BFA can be a bit hard but solable at 60 since its last expac but things before that should all behave like things from vanilla , bc, woltk, cata, wod, legion.


I wasn’t talking about bfa either. I was talking about normal NH

You dont expect to die in Lick King raid. That should be applied across all expacs till BFA. Behavior should be consistent till BFA. In BFA since its previous expac, a little tuning but still solable by almost all specs because of the dmg multipliers.

Currently this is not happening and that is the issue. When you say boomkin spec, which currently is in S-tier you are missing the point of legacy buffs. The buffs are level constrained and not FOTm spec.

So I as a PROT pally should hit for a gazzillion , same as a Holy priest same as Boomkin, same as Frost mage.


Legion should be soloable. Like 3-5 shot and then done (so people can finish up achievements). Bfa should be up next on the block to start tuning the fights for solo play (like no ghuun orb debuff or being able to full travel to dunk, or at an extreme having the first two mini bosses for azshara not enrage too quickly if solo). Although no one shotting for bfa though.


Similarly to Vralok who saw that Mechagon mobs were improperly scaled to Shadowlands 50+ level I have just found that this scaling bug is even affecting WOTLK Northrend content. Shark normal mobs there are scaling up to 60.

This is obviously not “working as intended”.


are we talking about the sharks in icecrown?

No, Howling Fjord.

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aren’t those required for a quest?

I just cleared full Emerald Dream Mythic on my 200 bear. It was TOUGH. Died a few times to some 1 shot mechanics. And I was a bear. I can only imagine the nightmare mage or rogue would experience.


Those 60’s in Mechagon will absolutely eat your face too. They took me down to half health in less than 5 seconds. They were basically white hitting for 10% of my health. If I popped cooldowns and kept up self healing, I could probably take down one of them. I could’ve possibly killed those 3 mobs if I used my earth elemental. I just went ghost wolf and legged it, if I tried to just fight them without a group I would’ve died.

Meanwhile a 50 could’ve just blown up all 3 of them easily.


Please remember these are fresh 50s all of them, that is why the disparity is so noticable, they have no BFA gear.

Blizzard nerfs the crap out of you because it is “fun” and makes the game more “immersive”!


Even the herb nodes are not working as intended.

I haven’t played any of my herablists since Legion…what’s wrong with those?

Blizzard nerfed Ele shaman’s lava surge, but if you make a legendary, you get that nerf back!

I actually had a brainstorm on how to fix this. In anything BUT the current expansion, the amount of damage you deal/receive should be based on a combination of your level and item level rather than stats. Remember how they changed vehicles during WOTLK to scale their health and damage based on your ilvl (and nothing but your ilvl)? That made things like Flame Leviathan get easier as you got better gear. Moving into the next expansion should have you start doing massively more damage, since you have levels and item levels higher than what was possible then.

That would solve the issue of “180 SL items do not have better stats than 120-130 BFA items despite the item level difference”. Just base it solely on the item level, in previous expansions, and not the stats.

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