Average queue time was about 1 hour 40 minutes. Was weaving all evening, sure, but do our queues have to be 10 hours later? I know that the other bgs queue times have improved for the horde, but having to wait this long for an AV to pop is cruel and unusual punishment. More alliance queue AV, help the horde reduce their queue times!
I am fine with waiting if I am pitted against non garbage tier players.
Are you saying you played for 10 hours straight (ab/wsg) Before an AV queue popped?
I’ve heard horde times for wsg and ab are pretty short now so if your constantly in battlegrounds it’s not surprising your av didn’t pop.
I dont think horde really care about AV tbh. They just want some queues to pop.
When you’re inside another BG, your place in queue is paused. The timer still ticks up, but that is no longer becomes representative of your progression through the queue the moment you accept another battleground.
I’ve noticed that AB/WSG wait times for horde have gone down a lot. Especially AB, including instant horde AB queues on Tuesday afternoon with 4 minute AB queues alliance side.
If the times for getting into AB/WSG are shorter then AV will always take longer to get into because the time spent in the AV queue is only counted if you are not in another BG.
Nighttime AV queues are also always longer as the night goes on going up to 3.5 hours (pre-recent changes).
We’d wait 5-6 hours when weaving at night when I was ranking 3 months ago and this was when it was taking 20-30 mins to get into WSG/AB although with weaving it was less of to get into one of them obviously.
The AV queue time got me to reroll, my poor UD mage doesn’t get touched anymore. It won’t change by itself. If you have the time and energy, reroll for the sake of everyone.
If u are queuing for ab and wsg the other ques pause while u are in the bg. Hence 10 hours.
Which I feel is a good thing, as in the past players would jump ship in a in progress BG the moment their other more desired BG queue popped.
That is a bc thing I believe was never a vanilla thing where u would get the que mid battle
Which is amusing, because in Vanilla, you could queue for all of them and they would pop while you were in one just fine.
I stand corrected lol
AV is a disaster for Alliance. More won’t be queuing for it until BC.
No, I have all I need from av, ~10 players fishing or going to the cave. I have other bgs that give rep. AV is only really useful for people who want r14 during av week cue then.
I can deal with rep grinders but when 1/4 of team is afk rep grind isn’t conductive. Moreover regardless of faction the faction with the lower number of net people who cues for each battleground sets the number of battlegrounds.
More (who were just there to druid hold/farm/exploit) may leave, and more may return when those folks (who were just there to druid hold/farm/exploit) are out of the picture.
10 no’s
does anyone recall when it was that blizzard changed it so your bg queue paused while in other bgs??? i seem to remember taking AB queues while in WSG in vanilla . . .
AV has pathetic honor, mediocre rep rewards for most classes at this point, a horrific grind to get those rewards, and limited individual influence on the outcome of the match. If you think those are things that will attract “non garbage tier players” then you are mistaken.
Haha this right here? Why thats what you call bait