Just want to remind everyone “hard core” raiding is nothing to be afraid of. If you have the time to commit to our raid hours we are OK having you - we will work with you. Hope to see some new people in our Discord. Wyatt
The ZG tiger is mine!
ZG the OG mthic 20 man raid
Lots of rogues and hunters needed
Always need hunters.
We don’t really need “a lot”, only a few more people mixed between the few classes we still have room for. Cheers
Buying classic 10gp
15gp ** corrected
Hinters? How about more rpers!? I need someone to play with!
Im sleepy…
Hope to see some new people in Discord!
Late Night best night, amirite?
We’ve had an influx of new people, but still always happy to see more We follow the “play what you love” mantra for classes.
Can’t stop, won’t stop. WoW is love, WoW is life.
Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down…
There will be over a million people playing Classic,
because Chuck Norris allows them to live.
I heard Madonna plays Ret Pal
BfA will survive because Chuck Norris allows it to live.
Get yourself together, Chuck
We need you.
Our lord and saviour Chuck