1 week from Beta and still no answer from Blizzard re Gouge

Why not have both?

  1. Sub literally only has TWO finishers (not including CC finisher aka kidney)
  2. Having a finisher like Slice & Dice is PHENOMENAL in making our rotation feel better.
  3. Sub feels gutted & empty only having 2 finishers in BFA, especially when you consider the fact that we used to have multiple utility / damage enhancing finishers.

And for obvious reasons having Gouge back would be extremely fun, nostalgic, & add more outplay potential.

So again, why are you trying to trade one for the other? Advocate for Gouge to be ADDED in, not for a useful ability to be traded for another, thats ridiculous.

I don’t understand this logic that a few people in the forums have “Lets remove X ability for Y ability!!” - That does absolutely nothing. And knowing how ACTIVISON BLIZZARD is, if they were to read your post they’d likely just remove SnD and not even add in Gouge, simply because thats how blizzard is.


If blizzard want’s the BASE MINIMUM fun for Rogue (Sub in specific), they need to:

  1. Keep the abilities they have added in - i.e Slice & Dice, Shiv, Rupture, Poisons, 1-Charge Dance. We frankly NEED more abilities for this class to feel anywhere near as fun as it once did. Each ability they have brought back is useful & do more good than harm being returned to our kit.

  2. Return Gouge. We should have Shiv, Slice & Dice, Rupture, Poisons, 1-charge Dance, & GOUGE back in our kit.

If they wanted to really surge forward and make Sub very similar to the fun it used to be, then we should also have:

  1. Hemo returned, with Backstab being positional-only

  2. Premed returned

  3. Recuperate returned

  4. Ambush returned


I would like to see Recuperate returned as well, even if it didn’t have energetic recovery attached, Premed would also be nice for PvE as it would allow us to get SnD up faster or give us more burst potential for a near instant Eviscerate with Dance > Premed+Shadowstrike.

Hemo was a nice management ability for PvE as well, on it’s own it was pretty easy to track but taking into consideration we use to have to track SnD, Recup, Rupture, Find Weakness uptime and make sure we have a proper Shadow Dance set up with boss timers and positioning it made the spec very player engaged and fun.

A lot of the things that make Sub good for PvP also make the spec fun for PvE as well, a lot of specs don’t have this luxury so both sides wan’t the same thing and hopefully we can convince Blizzard to improve the spec further after it was completely butchered in Legion and even further in BFA. After they nerfed the spec because it was too good on Zul in Uldir they literally didn’t look at the spec again the entire expansion after players begged them to at least give it a flat damage buff.


It’s disingenuous at best to list things other classes have to spec into versus what a rogue inherently has. So yes, next please.

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It’s not that I want 1 over the other. I want both, but if I had to choose 1, it be gouge


You could just say, “rogues” rather than sub :confused:
It’s all gutted.

Finishers that used to be baseline:
Deadly throw
Expose armor
Slice and Dice

Utility that used to be baseline

Builders that used to be accessible or baseline:
Backstab (combat daggers uwu)
Hemorrhage (sub swords! <3)
Revealing strike
Ghostly strike

What happened to prep? What happened to premed?



It’s like, in WoD they decided that they were going to eventually move WoW to mobile or something.


good point.


Having multiple finisher’s (Slice & Dice, Rupture, Recup, etc) were a large part of what rogue feel like a rogue

I should have the tools/capabilities to plan/time my shadow dance.
I should have tools in the form of finishers that can further enhance my potential & success during a burst window (which is REWARDING btw) - This is why having Slice & Dice return is great, & is why other finishers should return as well (i.e recup, sanguinary veins for rupture, etc)

Everytime I play Sub NOWADAYS (all 3 rogue specs for that matter) I am bored. Sub has so few finishers that its ridiculous.

I do not enjoy having VERY LITTLE setup/preemption capabilities for a powerful Shadow Dance simply because I have no finishers to enhance my performance, and this is the name of the game of Sub currently in BFA.

tldr, keep slice, shiv, rupture, poison, 1charge dance
return gouge


No recup, you crazy guys. Hello from cata, pretty sure.
Recup means tons of heals for other classes and also its nobrain heal.
Vial much better. Its not provide better healing but it makes rogue as rogue.
You make good dmg but you take good dmg. Good timed vial keep you alive.
Bad timed vial make you dead.

  • Gouge
  • Shiv no cd.
  • Garrote


Vial is a CD that you can press reactively
Recup is a finisher that has a cost that can require preemption to get value out of in a tight-knit scenario


its too much healing.
Recup was big design problem in cata. Now it gone and its much better.


Also agreed.

What if instead, we had an energy based bandage that we could cast, and that bandage when used on us would clear DoT’s, bleeds and debuffs.

Additionally the “Bandage” could be used in stealth.

Also, because our bandage is cast and would have a more vanilla like CD debuff attached of some kind, and scaled with our health pool, doing % based healing.

Also since this is a cast thing that requires we are hard casting it like vanilla bandage, they could compensate us in the form of our abilities actually doing damage again… Ya know, Backstab that does actual backstab damage.

I see this as a great victory for us.


It’s all good with rogue’s life.
The problem is missed abilities.

Recup wasn’t OP in MoP.

The problem is vial is more OP which is why it is nerfed in a PVP setting.