1 ranged 2 melee 5/8XP looking for mythic guild

Warlock, Warrior, and Rogue
5/8M Experience As well as past mythic experience dating back to MoP
Looking to all earn spots for 10.1 preferably Warrior also tanks mythic+
Pref 2 day guild would consider 3 day
Please contact Discord- Ania#9999

We are a cross faction guild with about half the members in TC on Horde Illidan and the other half in TCLB on Alliance Illidan server. Currently recruitment is open into either faction. TC was founded in May 2005 and has been a top guild from inception, obtaining most cutting edges. We are getting most of the core guild members back so you can expect a guild with seasoned leadership, a relaxed and fun raid environment full of skillful individuals.

We are a bit more casual this go-round but are still 8/8H and 5/8M on only 4 hours of raiding per week. Our current raid times are Wed and Thurs from 10:00-12:00AM EST. We will strive to get CE if we can; however, not at the detriment of the guild and community.

Even if we are not looking for your class, we always accept any exceptional applicants. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions!

Application to join guild - forms.gle/e3hiNtZQKv9eHw9CA

Added on discord to talk a bit!

Scuff Squad currently recruiting, 4/8 Mythic, got Grimtotem down to ~24%. We raid Tuesday/Wednesday 9pm-1am.


We are a group of skilled friends who are focused on pushing Mythic content with the expectation of getting CE in possibly this tier and next. We are still looking for a couple healers and DPS to make our core group of 20. My discord is Deathlorrd#9243
