#1 Pet Gripe

It’s time to change the “feature” that forces an active companion pet swap when you change teams or put another pet in the #1 slot. Drives me bananas. I love to use pet biscuits and this messes up that and all the buffs I put on my little pretties. Please change this, Blizz.

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I thought Rematch had a feature to resummon your original pet after changing teams


It does! It’s an Option, listed on/in the options panel.
It works!
I have the Add-on ‘Rematch’ by Gello.
In it’s Options panel, under miscellaneous is the option ‘keep pet’.
I have that option selected. Trouble free!
EDIT: Having read your later post, i took a harder look.
Sorry, my mistake.

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Sorry guys… not what I meant. That function allows the summoning of the new pet, dismisses it, then summons back the pet you had minus the buffs it had before the new pet got summoned. It would be nice if it kept the buffs, but it doesn’t.

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It would be interesting if they changed the cosmetic buffs from pet buffs to player buffs that simply applies to whichever battle pet you have summoned (similar to the Pet Biscuits).


That would be a great idea.
I vend any pet appearance buffs because pets despawn for so many reasons it’s just not worth bothering to keep and use them, as things are.


Yeah, this is pretty much exactly my point. It’s so frustrating – especially losing the biscuit buffs. You can’t buy those with gold.

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I suggested that exact thing a few years ago. I’m not sure why they haven’t thought of it yet.