247 Unholy DK and 248 Protection Warrior looking for a new guild to raid Mythic. Having being good friends since pre-patch, we’ve been looking for a new guild. We’re on Horde-Illidan, with 4/10M xp so far this patch. Past tier we had 7/10M experience and 5/12M in Nyalotha. Warrior’s name is Laizwer and DK’s name is Teranzhul.
DM me on:
Discord: Khondaq#9292
Battle net: Khondaq#1393
< Seraph > of US-Mal’Ganis is a multi-team, adult raiding guild. We have been among the top guilds on the server for over ten years, and we will continue to be here for years to come. We offer a full community experience and make friendships and memories that last a lifetime.
With such a large community, we offer our raiders a wide selection of events to participate in. Our guild features:
Core raids for each team
Community raids open to all
Legacy & achievement events open to all
M+ Dungeons
Twitch hosting for raiders
Social Media promotion
Active guild discord
Blizzcon meetups
Each of our teams have unique needs and schedules. Please visit SeraphGuild.com to view the needs of each team! We are an adult guild and have an 18+ policy.
Do you and your friend have interest in going alliance? We are looking for a tank specially, but DKs are always nice. Currently 3/10M. We raid Fri/Sat 7-10pm PST.
Would be interested in chatting if you both are still looking.
About Us:
Premonition (9/10M CN, Cutting Edge HFC+EN+NH+Ant+Uldir+BoD+TEP+Nya) is a Horde guild on US-Magtheridon. Our raid team has been together since MoP and we pride ourselves in maintaining a stable home for players. We are looking to bolster our roster with players who are interested in progressing Mythic content. While we maintain a laid-back, non-elitist environment, we are in no means casual – our goal every tier is to push CE. We have streams available for anyone who is interested in checking out our raid environment. Outside of raid, we have an active player base looking to complete M+’s every day to farm gear/io. We also play games outside of WoW and have an active Discord.
Raid Times:
Monday: 9 PM – 12 AM EST
Tuesday: 9 PM – 12 AM EST
Thursday: 9 PM – 12 AM EST
Extensive knowledge of your class
Non-toxic/elitist attitude
Consistent attendance (90%+)
Ability to communicate (have a working mic)
Bring dps/health pots (we provide flasks, food buffs, and vantus runes)
Desire to be competitive
Entitled Elite is a semi hardcore raiding guild located on US Illidan, Horde side. We are recruiting for our core Mythic raiding team.
Raid Days
Tuesday 8PM - 11PM EST
Wednesday 8PM - 11PM EST
Thursday 8PM - 11PM EST
Our priorities for recruitment is the following:
Healers - low priority on all healers
Ranged DPS - Balance Druid - High Priority
Melee DPS - Enhancement Shaman and Windwalker Monk both High Priority
All exceptional players will be considered regardless of class and spec.
Current progression
Sanctum of Domination
Normal - 10/10
Heroic - 10/10
Mythic - 3/10
Our goal is progress as far into the tier as possible with a cutting edge mentality while still maintaining a fun environment for everybody.
Outside of raiding, we have a lot of active members who like to push high keys. We have many members with an IO score of over 2000 and many more climbing.
Apply at h ttps://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PS3NF5P (Delete space in between h & t)
or feel free to reach out to one of our officer’s which are posted below.
About us: Freakin Unicorns is a 3-day mythic raiding guild formed at the tail end of 8.3 and achieved our goal of CE during our first full tier together in Castle Nathria. We are primarily focused on progression-oriented raiding but spend plenty of time in all aspects of the game, including rated PvP, M+, and casual content. For our mythic raid team, accomplishing CE every tier is our baseline expectation, but seeing clear improvement on server and global rankings is our goal. We push ourselves and each other to be better, always aiming one step higher as a team. We value respect, community, and camaraderie, never wanting to lose sight of what makes gaming together fun.
Raid schedule:
Tuesday: 9pm-12am eastern time
Thursday: 9pm-12am eastern time
Sunday: 9pm-12am eastern time
Trial expectations:
The drive to improve personal play.
Effort to integrate yourself with guild’s community.
Prepared with relevant consumables, gear, add-ons, and knowledge of the raid.
Minimum 2-week trial period.
For additional information please fill out:
[Freakin Unicorns Application ](https ://forms.gle/py4i5gNehA6jLbnT7) ← space after https
Moonnstalker (Co-GM) – Bnet: Moon#1956 or Discord: Moon#7818
Umbrane (Co-GM) – Bnet: Duce#1788 or Discord: Duce#4291