No? The experience for new players is awful. We leveled up to 60 in two* zones. They wanted to learn the game. We decided to level alts in each expansion but by the time you hit zone two, end of zone one, you’re almost ready for DF. And at lvl 61 the content is force trivialized on you.
Or they can, again, make a compelling intro for new players. They did the tutorial island specifically for new players. They obviously realize it’s an issue or that new players find intro WoW not worth it.
It’s all the same. By zone 1.5 you’re in your 50s.
The only people i see complaining about this are boomer doomers and liers. Everyone and their mom knows the game starts at max level. even in classic it started at max level. Stop trying to over exaggerate that you want leveling to be slower when no one but boomer doomers want that,
I ACkshUllY brought my friends in and explained the experience in my OP. Tell me smart guy, why would I lie? Also, we weren’t power leveling through dungeons. We WANTED to go through the story. Wtf is with people calling people liars like it’s no big deal? You’re a tool dude.
From your lingo dude you don’t even count in this equation. Bro, power level all you want. I don’t wanna stop people from doing that Einstein. You know what options are right? If end game starts the real game then wtf do you care if new players have more options to get there? Nothing to do with doom and gloom lmao has to do with stupid game design that morons like you think are good.
Second of all I literally leveled a character three weeks ago, and I even followed a speed run guide. I leveled in felwood, frostfire ridge, gorgord and spites of arak to hit level 60.
Now, this week and part of next we have 19% increased EXP gains which will speed things up a lot, forgot about that for a little. So your experience is an outlier for that reason, so let’s take the rage dial and turn it down kay?
So, you want a “normal” and “slow as ” option for the same leveling? Maybe Blizz could just get your phone number and balance the game around your preferences
Call someone a liar in the real world. That’s the IQ I’ve seen here so far. On par with people that say “oh it’s just a prank”. Nah I’m not gonna take someone serious when they off the cuff call me a liar.
Lol, I brought up a bad experience I had with some friends that I felt needed attention. Legitimate concern and you and handful of other goons come in “oh liar liar yuuu can’t do 60 that fast” and acted like I wanted to prevent you from leveling fast or… honestly I have no clue what your malfunctions are.
It’s not my problem you came to a thread I made and acted like a douche and got called out for it.
I mean, what were you hoping happened? This has been the level design for like 10 years. How did you introduce your friends to WoW and not realize this is how leveling works? Did you collect 8 prickly pears and go “greatest game ever!” Gotta tell the boys!!
Lol, the only people lying are the ones saying you can’t hit 60 in 2 zones. How many zones is it then? 2.5? 3? Does it matter if you can’t even finish content, which was the point of my post?
Hey man if you’re fine with it great. Go open a thread and tell Blizz you enjoy their bugged out mess of a new player experience.
As i said i actually took 3 noobs trough leveling and now they are all 3 in a mythic guild starting this week. Its not awful for new players its very friendly and doesnt punish new players who want to get into the game.
overhual not add a option maybe put that in there but we all know you dont want that. you just want attention which is why you are lying and causing so much drama in your own post because you got caught and disproven. As for you always go visit the experience eliminator to stop leveling if that was the case for what you actually wanted.
LMAO imagine arguing being proven wrong and back peddling to something they already added to the game the ability to turn off expeirence. so again do us a favor stop lying stop over exaggerating and stop trolling the forums its boring.
There’s a reason they shove new people into Shadowlands, as its the only “mostly current” timeline story wise that has any real relevance to DF. (and that’s really marginal, SL really doesn’t seem to have much if anything to do with DF, but, anyway, that’s the logic).
Play Ardenweld in SL to get some, weak, thready pulse as to what’s happening in DF.
And of course the better way to look at it is “You mean I don’t have to learn 20 years of lore, one quest at a time, to play Dragonflight!?”
That’s great for people that wanna get into mythic. My dudes wanted to read the story. Idk why. That’s just what they wanted to do. Not everyone lives in your end game bubble dude.
Omg, surprise surprise critical thinking is a challenge for you.
Yo you came in here being toxic af. Not me. The fact that you think you can just call people liars proves you live in a bubble. Why are you even replying if you feel this way? Probably cause you’re projecting. Goon.