1-60 in Two weeks, a joke

After a month of p1 you will have 3-4 months of nothing to do but level those alts.

are you jealous of my acheivment points? pathetic i dont even care about em lol much less look at othes :slight_smile:

Wow with the insults still.

Keep defending Blizz, sad priest.

His attitude hasn’t exactly been all sunshine and rainbows either from the very start of this thread.

They’re hand outs.

ooo what was it i didnt get to read please share with the class

was my reaction to his deleted post haha

You are trying to call someone else out for ad hominem attacks? Really? pot meet kettle :slight_smile:

He said “What, you butt buddies with that lock and priest” something along those lines

I only do after others do it.

But you can’t read well so that sucks.

I’m not sure why people keep bringing up original TBC as if it’s relevant in this discussion

Of course not, that’s silly. But that’s the extreme opposite of what we did get. As someone said earlier, it’s only like 3 days of /played to get to 60 - that’s ~5 hours every day for 2 weeks straight. Not everyone has that kind of time to devote to the game, some can only play a couple of hours each day, or have specific days of the week they dedicate all of their gaming hours to. Instead of maybe a month, which is plenty of time for most people to level their new alt as Blizzard promised, they gave us 2 weeks, which demands most or even all of the average adult’s free time dedicated to this game

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Because he isn’t complaining about not thinking that belfs and draenei have enough time to level

He’s upset that he had 2 years and didn’t level at all and is mad about it blaming it on the prepatch when it doesn’t even affect him.

The thing is, retail tbc launch had zero prepatch new race leveling time. Now we have 2 weeks

No. we are BORED and want something to do lol

dontchu wish u could be happy like the 95% of us here getting laughs from your post / replies?

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Not upset about that, but keep projecting Blizzard knight!

Maybe Bobby will personally thank you for covering for them.

its entierly relevant because we are going into TBC classic.

Lol, man you got nothing eh? You hit bottom the barrel already and now you got nothing left but reading insults. Good work mate! It’s no wonder blizzard doesn’t take you into account

“Im not upset, but I made a whole thread to express how upset I am!”

The very first reply was an attack.

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Good work mate! you’re so funny!