1-60 in Two weeks, a joke

And as has been made clear for weeks, TBC Classic is not the same game as the original TBC

They all attack, everything. Blizzard apologist.

“You should be happy they do anything at all!”

roll alliance. i’ll help ya.

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Within 3 posts you immediately started slinging ad hominem insults. So clearly you can’t read the very things you type.

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and that gives him a free pass to be a jerk to everybody else all of the sudden?

nah blizz F’s up plenty and i spite them for it, you on the other hand are insistantly crying over the milk you spilled. and im here to lap it up

After they already starting rolling in.

God your reading comprehension sucks.

Who am I being a jerk to that wasn’t a jerk to me?

ya know what i wish they would retract the you can make and level belf/ draeni before tbc launch now just to spite anyone with this arguement lmao

You started slinging attacks at the people who early on were telling you that not being 60 by the TBC launch isn’t the end of the world.

go back and read. You attacked first.

I’m not surprised though you’re projecting your reading comprehension issues on others though.

A person has the right to defend themselves when being attacked. He has not attacked anyone that did not attack/insult him first.

Lol, the denial is incredible.

… listen to yourself.

I post complaining and people telling me not to complain is them being nice? Are you that slow?

“OMG me and myfriends are getting this paladin good mom!!!”

They’re upset and I’m saying “NOO YOU CAN’T BE!!!”

Lol, did you expect people to what, sympathize with your crying? Sounds like you’re mad no one else actually cares you’re slow at lving. All this is a YOU issue

HAHA- you know that’s exactly what they’re thinking.

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No. I expected a bunch of trolls to tell me that I shouldn’t be upset at all…

I fully EXPECTED these apologist.

keep up the good fight sir, and others here who are lookin at the OP with the same wth have you been doing all of classic to be this upset face as me, i gotta get ready to go to town! will check back later this evening tho i expect ill probably get a silence since i mentioned i dont care about the tears this OP is shedding and he said “reported” keep on keepin on and happy TBC pre-patch / launch announcement! may your planning go well and work allow you to take off!

“Waa, blizzard, I can’t lv to 60 and I demand you adjust the game for me personally”

Why? Lol, you haven’t even had an argument to why.