1.13 Known Issues 10/30/2019 *Updated!*

How much were they supposed to be?

I believe hes refering to this.

However thats saying 7 slots and in classic there is only 6. Info for its hard to find.

The 25g cap seems much more familiar than the 50g and 100g that we have atm.

Wrong iteration of Seal of Command, changed in 1.3.0:

Basically, gains the same benefits as warrior overpower skill when it procs, but hit with a spell hit check instead.

Currently, SoC can be blocked, dodged, and parried. I have not seen it resisted.

We research, organize and document countless bugs for Blizz, what do we get?
Mob pack behavior ‘fix’ and a fix to the hunter staff quest ateish fixed. The first we didn’t ask for and the second while it being a welcomed fix to those it concerns does not instill good faith that the multitude of un-vanilla like bugs will be fixed.

It would be greatly re-assuring if classic-staff would show even a fraction of the passion for the game that the community has.

Shaman’s far sight, hunters eagle eye and priests mind vision all cause a loading screen (albeit briefly) when used any where out side of normal targeting distance or view distance.

Mage’s ‘chill effects’ are slow to take effect, I’ve seen enemy players ride right through a blizzard radius without being affected and this is even with full 3/3 imp blizz and full talents into perma frost. It’s been concluded that this is another ‘bug’ chalked up to spell batching. Spell batching is also likely the cause for grounding totem to be slow to take effect as well.

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I have also discovered a new druid travel form bug.
Here is the link to my post if you would like to include it: [BUG] Druid Travel Form [FIXED]


Actually that got reverted or never pushed through, its suppose to be blocked parried missed dodged and can be partial resisted on mobs higher level than you. Currently getting partials on same level and lower mobs.

There is no holy resistance in the game. Higher level mobs just get a level resist which is what can cause the partial resist . But same mobs and lower should never.

Heres a link to show you.

Like i said its very hard to find any info on when it was changed.

Hmm looks like they fixed the lockout bug.

In addition to producing a loading screen, shaman far sight, hunter eagle eye and priest mind vision also used to be able to be cast on mini map in vanilla. Can no longer do this.

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Also, viper sting and scorpid sting are not stacking as they should. If 2 hunters cast viper sting on a target, it should have 2 viper stings on it.

Update to add:

Level 55 guards spawning in cities/towns/quest hubs that they shouldn’t - such as Crossroads for Horde, Menethil Harbor for Alliance.

Once you kill the guards that should be it. This wasn’t a change until after TBC. It will kill WPVP in P2. Holding capital cities and hubs ransom for honor was most certainly a thing.

Other bugs: Warlock infernals despawning, mages being unable to sheep tapped targets.

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Apparently the mobs stacking attacks is not a bug according to their “reference client” where as i have posted abot my thoughts on it and even linked the wowpedia mention of thrash proc.

Its in the not a bug blue post. So anyone hopeing for a fix for that can kiss it goodbye.

Personal opinion they are wrong on this one. But alas its hard to find info on non boss mobs haveing this proc.

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Warlock’s 2/2 Improved Firebolt talent is only lowering the Imp’s cast time to 1.5s, instead of 1.0s. This bug was fixed in 1.12 of vanilla in order to remove the 1.5s global cooldown restriction from effecting the Imp, but is currently still in its bugged state in classic.

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Incorrect. Viper Sting does not stack. It stacking was exclusively a p-server thing.


Their “reference client” is Legion client. It’s hilarious. We’re supposed to provide videos, but they can just cherry pick what they want without any proof even after admitting they lost the source code.

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I believe that was stated in error. It is literally the ONLY post on the internet you will find anyone stating such a thing.

Right? I’ve been saying this since launch and people acted like I was some kind of conspiracy theorist. It’s blatantly obvious that they cobbled together this frankenclient and someone in the marketing department said “Hey, they’ll never even notice! It was 15 years ago!”


I believe it’s because they wanted to have you launch from the same client as live as well as maintain all the bnet functions and chat seamlessly.

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I just noticed they removed their known issues/bug list from the forums. Guess we have to keep up the good work.


Well that settles it then there are no bugs :joy::sob: