0.X% drop rates need to be removed from the game entirely

You could have gotten 150 k in a month instead

Yes, serve the bot farms.

Bunch of shill responses here, and one “Experience my suffering” response. I agree drop rates below 1% are not fun nor reasonable.


I was just thinking this to myself. I was also just thinking: “Man, I wonder if I accidentally sold one to a vendor once.”

PS- I have no idea what Vespoid Lettuce even is, or if it is soulbound or not.


This game is packed to the gills with masochism andies. This isn’t a legendary weapon, or even a cool unique mount. This a literal reskin mount from a MOB in a single zone. 0.05% drop chance. Jesus Christ.5


I’ve got one you can have if you are one area 52. I already made buzz so i dont need it.


Mail it to me?

Or maybe you could see both as a problem, instead of buying into the “well x sucked so y deserves to suck” fallacy?


Sure one moment.

I managed to get two over time, but that was with getting now six characters through ZM to the point that they bop in weekly to do the weekly zone fill-the-bar quest and world boss.

What I’m vastly more salty about is having to remember to get a Forge-Tap to endlessly tap every sphere ever in an attempt to finally get Anima-Charged Yolk for the rolling-ball toy from Traversing the Spheres…

And don’t even get me STARTED on the drop rates for Genesis Motes and how many are required to make all the pets and mounts.

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No. Make everything even more rare. I’m tired of this game catering to casuals and making everything so easy to get. Everything needs to be rarer and they need to stop handing out purples as a baseline. Make Blues or even greens the gear that you see everyone wearing and make purples the gear that only drops at 1% or lower. Epic gear isn’t epic if 99.9% of the population is constantly throwing “epic” gear away all the time as they replace it with new epic gear.

Heck. Don’t even allow purple gear to drop until the final tier of the expansion maybe. Purples are not supposed to be common. Purple gear is supposed to be something you only see one player have one of every few months.

And legendaries can just die.

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You can’t rid of 0 probability otherwise RNGebus will not exist.

RNGebus needs to live.


Whats the account on area 52. Don’t think i can send it to your server. oooh wait ur alliance as well. Probably why I can’t

Which is the vespoid lettuce?


Have you tried farming the auction house for it?

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As another note, the lattices are buyable on the Auction House. They’re not CHEAP, but if you want to skip the grind, that’s an option.

I would buy the heck out of an Anima-Charged Yolk or Genesis Motes if I could.

Lattice is about 6k

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I hate romaine. Why isn’t there more oak leaf? Or butterhead? Now those are good lettuces.

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Its an ultra rare drop v something that infinitly farmable and tradable on the ah.

I dont see an issue with either.

if your lettuce has vespoids in it I suggest not trying to eat it.