0.5 Dungeon Sets for alts

There a way we can get easier access to these without doing the crazy quest line after completing on our main? I’m on my 3rd run through on a set and it’s getting a little frustrating. Could we buy something on our main to send to an alt to turn in for a quest to unlock all dungeons set for that specific character?

Could also make us still collect the core pieces but just turn those into the quest giver only instead of all the preceding quests before them. Allowing all the items collected along the quest chain purchasable from same vendor, like the flag and blazer.

With easy to get gear that is better than t0.5 coming in ZG, there will be little incentive to go through the hassle of even bothering with t0.5. Getting the t0 pieces is work enough at this point.

For a shortened, experimental, seasonal server, just let people get their alts the t0.5 set if they have the t0 set to turn in. Just make it a gold sink to turn in/buy like getting the alternate t0.5 already is.


3 pieces are trivial to get (you get them before your alt even hits level 60 if you’re doing it right) and then the next 3 pieces are pretty low effort, too. Getting the original set pieces is more work than doing the quest up to this point, after the nerfs. And then you have your 4-piece bonus.

Helm/chest are a skip. Just run ZG.

Other classes have good bonuses and would be used throughout ZG until tier would literally replace it. There are classes right now using 4 PC bonuses in MC right now. Those will continue to be strong going into BWL.

Also you’d have to find someone to carry you through ZG. So once again we shouldn’t have to do the crazy quest chain. Just let us turn in the T0 pieces to get the T0.5 pieces if a main has already completed the chain. This also allows some classes to get fill in pieces for OS gear as well. At this point doing the quest chain is just insanity when you’re allowing alts to bypass the runes. I’d rather get the runes and bypass this quest chain. I’d prefer both to make this game more alt friendly.

Fresh 60’s in greens can clear ZG on Classic Era. I think you’ll be okay if you “only” have the base dungeon set instead of the upgraded one.

Good thing you can get 4 pieces with little effort, before even hitting 60.

The helm/chest step makes up the majority of the quest, and I agree those two pieces are not worth for alts. But you just don’t have to do that part. You’re still at 6 pieces without it.

While I do not disagree with this, if you pug on an alt it might get you removed from the group. Within your guild no issues there.

First three items are boe I agree with this. Getting the next three are 100 reals worth plus quests if you don’t get them to drop. I’d rather just look forward to the grind for reals/gear not having to do the quest chain. Lots of time is still required.

I agree that the helm/chest portion is the most frustrating portion of the quest chain. Also for optimization of gear if you are that particular class looking to run the four piece as far as stats you’d not be running helm/chest/legs on pure stats alone. The green stats, however, like hit would make it more appealing if indeed the stats between T1 and T0.5 aren’t that far apart. So some classes would be wanting those two pieces anyways.

So do the quest if you want to be optimal :man_shrugging:

Mains who actually do the quest should have better gear than fresh alts.