0 RBGs are going on in new PvP season

Its a brand new PvP season and people should be running RBGs to get gear/conquest points but there is literally 0 games being played.

Add RBG solo shuffle or blitz.
Add more rewards , cosmetics or PvP gear for RBGs to make more people play it.


I’m a huge advocate of adding rewards to pvp. Been saying stuff like that for years. However, i do not think there is any reward that will be good enough to bring the RBG community back after all the toxicity, win trading and hero of the alliance selling that took place in S9.

Blizzard didn’t intervene. It was clear as day who bought Hero. It was clear as day who win traded for Hero.

There was also no incentive for people who got 2400 right away to que ever again until the last week.

They would actually, imo, need to add rating decay to RBGs so that people can’t just sit the highest rating while farming any team that is close, or lower rating, on their alts.

Even if you beat the alt teams, which did happen often, typically there was enough people whos mmr was a lot lower so they’d lose no points, you’d win no points, and if they won, you were only really boosting the lowest rated player up a little bit, while everyone on your team lost a significant amount of points because they were “the worse team” mmr wise.

Last season no one hit 2200. RBGs are dead. Solo que would be nice and i’m here for it. Blizzard won’t do, or acknowledge anything about it. Just waiting until MoP where once again, only the first season will be worth playing because that’s just seemingly how it is?

MoP will be an extremely healthy x-pac for PvP and even WPvP. The issue we are facing right now are two things:

  1. LFG Cross-Realm has been disabled.
  2. The PvP servers all must be merged into one to fuel a long lasting community of PvPers.

Cata is done dude. they won’t put any more resources into the game

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Can we get an update on how to revive RBGs for casuals and the more comp crowd?
More rewads…conquest…cosmetics…anything works.


Nice necro dude!

5 days isn’t exactly a necro.


There’s a large number of people concerned about this very issue. Take 30 seconds to scroll through the Cata Forums and you may not find yourself posting meaningless comments on threads.

LFG does not support Cross-Realm grouping and that has decimated the already suffering Rated PvP scene.

Have RBGs ever been not dead?

Early in the X-pac it was bumping for the first 2 phases. But this LFG cross realm change just decimated it completely.

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Nobody cares about rbgs.
Nothing will change that.


Incorrect…RBGs in EU are going daily.


Rank 100 is 1642 rating in EU RBG.
That is not good.

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I fear with LFG Cross-Realm being disabled, this will decimate Rated PvP for the rest of Cata. :cry:

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