0 AH improvements

Twenty two minutes to purchase Viridescent Spores x5. I’m at the point where I will pay 3x the going rate just to play the game, but, I literally can’t. What an absolute gong show…


Or you can not buy them during prime time.

Yeah! How dare you try to play the game, you should just buy them when its convenient for the server, during non prime-time!

I can’t believe people expect the auction house to actually function as it has for the last 20 years. smh


My bad, let me arrange my IRL schedule around low traffic AH times.


I think they said they’re working on it

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They mentioned they are working on it.

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break tsm.

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But its a temporary solution while Blizzard fixes things.

Nothing to do with tsm, a change was made in the backend that has screwed it up

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It’s from the influx of TSM users spamming the ah over and over

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No wonder why nobody tries to take these forums seriously.


You mean the addon that players have used for years and years without it ever DDOSing the AH?

Yea, that one that back in BfA they had to throttle the AH because of. Yea, exactly that one.


Okay and? It hasn’t been a problem in the 5 years since.

It’s not lol, they changed something that made a db that usually has 20-30k entries balloon to the 10s of millions, and they are awaiting hardware as a temp fix til it can be perma fixed

yep that one.

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