0-20 twice as Ally in AV... so frustrating... Why are we so pathetic?

We used to win this all the time now we almost NEVER win it??? Before you say it’s my fault… I cap towers, get high dmg and healing, tried everything and nothing seems to work… are all Ally useless noobs or what changed since I’ve just started again after about a 2 year break? Even tried other bgs but we lose all those as well… so sick of losing every single game…


Game is dying and is overrun by sync exploiters. Welcome back.


In av if you are not a tank usually the best thing you can do is be on defense.

Once i get my healer to max level i am going to heal defense players. you are of far more value there than afking in a horde tower or on the hill at drek. If your defending you are actively putting them behind in the race.


Join a PvP community and que up with folks who know wtf they are doing.

There are plenty out there for both Ally & Horde.

The pugs are just as bad as they have always been. The difference is now you have more coordinated groups playing and it makes the pugs look that much worse.

If you care about quality, join a community.


Join a pvp community and que up with folks that exploit to gain a huge advantage in order to win.

There fixed it for you.

If you care about pretending to be good at the game by exploiting, join a community.

Fixed that one for you as well.


If winning at all costs by abusing the queue system is your thing, then sure, join a community. That’s the ‘quality’ they offer—prioritizing victory over actual competition.


And their Honor Levels are somehow still low.

you know who the higher hl player are in each com and none of them play all day like you.
you’re going to hurt your shoulder trying to pat yourself on the back as often as you do.

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Sorry, but how is joining a PvP community a bad thing? Years ago, I was in a PvP guild and we did a lot of stuff together, and it was great fun to have people to play with that I knew.

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Boom! Exactly.


Thats what it’s all about.

OP…the complainers and participation award posters you see above are basically a microcosim of the pugs you have been playing with. They think they’re entitled to wins as opposed to earning them. Thats why you’re out there doing all the hard work while their effing off fighing in mid or whatever. They have zero friends and zero fun, and love to come here and be miserable.

Trust me. Find a community.


I was referring to the epic BG communities that abuse the queue system. Normal PvP communities are fine.


Fixed that for ya.

It’s not about winning or losing, but you can keep telling yourself that.

More projection.


The fact that you have to sync que is an exploit no matter which way you spin it. The game will not allow you to group 40 people and que epics you have to have a work around by sync queuing. Its a system that blizzard refuses to fix. Ive gotten in to a lot of arguments over this people saying its not an exploit it is if you are not doing it the way the game was meant. You cannot join pvp bgs with more than 5 period. Sick of the go to “join a community and do the same thing” is that what this game is reduced to?


Back-capping or meeting the horde head on is the way to win. I’ve noticed most the people in the BG dont want to pvp, just get rewards. It devolves into 10v1 or a blob fight of AoE h311 that melee get melted in a second.

If they wanted to make it fun they should warfront it so the battle must take place, and several objectives per section to split up the blob of AoE to make it fun. Isle of conquest does it real good, but like i said, i’ve noticed recently most people just want honor, not to PvP. It’s lame.


It’s not if you don’t exploit. It’s the rampant exploiting that’s bad.

Why lie so much?

You should never trust someone who has to lie and attack fellow players.

The “communities” just rush the one good objective and win as fast as they can. I watch them even back door on Ashran a lot. They are hypocrites that can’t cut it in fair combat.

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You’re a complainer.
You’re entitled.
You have no friends
You’re zero fun.

Wheres the lie??

You’re also a thread highjacker. OP was complaining about pugs, a suggestion was offered, and you and the other complainers swooped in to $#!t all over it. Whats wrong with connecting with other like minded players who share a common passion for the game?

Unless you have something constructive to offer mind your own business!


So, basically, you’re saying I’m far more efficient at gaining Honor than premade communities?

You’re right.


As are you.

How so?

I have plenty of friends.

This is subjective, you may not think I am fun but I really couldn’t care less.

3 of those are lies.

If you had compassion for the game you wouldn’t exploit and ruin the game for everyone else.

I have plenty and I have shared it.

Ahh the hypocrisy.

That’s the nature of dealing with pugs. You should join a BG community and make some friends to queue with.

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