đŸ€Ż Raider IO ruined PVE

Did you play a rogue? I heard they had issues. As a mage I never had an issue getting into a group, and I pugged my way through most of early vanilla endgame. Oh the amounts of UBRS’ I did for magister robe
 Often I’d just have to make my own trying to make friends with tanks when I could.

It became an issue in BFA because the dungeons are harder. Raiderio exists because you can’t replace people in M+. All your other complaints apply equally to raids but people don’t need raiderio for that. Why? Because if you’re pugging a raid and somebody is bad, you can just replace them. No need for excessive pre-screening.

No blizzard handing out loot like candy ruined PVE, raider IO is just weeding out the less experienced players that can’t preform in the level keys I want


What are you even talking about? Of course the higher end groups screen their applicants.

If we have an open spot for Mythic we look people up on RIO, we look them up on warcraftlogs, we check their armory. We’re not going to bring someone into our run and potentially carry them so we vet them pretty thoroughly.

What I’m saying though isn’t opinion. It’s a fact. It’s what happened in early BfA.

The early “catch up” mechanics were too rewarding and invalidated every single lower difficulty form of content before players even had much of a chance to do them.

The dungeons are harder yes but they’re not so hard that players couldn’t have gradually climbed the ladder and learned as they went. Some players have the skill and experience to skip directly into a +7 but most do not so the community developed this false perception that the BfA dungeons are “too hard” when the reality is that most players are geared above their personal skill level and aren’t good enough to do them at the levels that are rewarding for them.

Personally I think the M+ system would be a lot better and would largely negate RIO if it just required players to successfully time a dungeon before they can attempt the next highest level.

They changed the naming scheme for raids. Back in the day heroic was the hardest level raid. Current heroic = old nomral raids. current mythic = old heroic.

So you would have compare it to, afking to get mythic level loot which there isn’t anything like that at the moment.

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Oh yes, and what a perfect system that was! Hey, remember in legion when people found a way to falsify achievements? Perfect system.

You can set your information on raider IO to private
 You know that, right? If you want to hide it then that’s on you, but expect that people who DO use IO when forming groups won’t consider you at all if you hide it.

 Hooooooold up here, let me just make sure I have this right
 You want to make it easier
 for bad players
 get into groups???

First of all, lets back up a second and tackle the latter part. If you make an account on Raider IO you can actually link your score account wide so when you make a new toon people can see your main IO score. On the chance you are talking about people brand new to the game though, they shouldn’t expect to get into the top tier groups immediately to begin with. Those groups who check IO are looking for players who have done a lot of content and have an understanding of how things go. If you want into those groups, then actively work on your IO score.

Going back to the former part of your point though

 you actively want bad players
 to have an easier time slipping into good players groups and weighing them down

Make your own group. I mean, honestly, this is all this thread has to come down to is “make your own group!”

First off, you are basically saying you are entitled to ruining another player’s experience because in your mind your subscription somehow entitles you to more than another players subscription does? What?

Just because circumstances don’t allow you to play as often as others does not entitle you to more/compensation. You are entitled to nothing more or less than what any other paying subscriber is and it comes down to three options really.

Option 1 - Make your own group.
Option 2 - Find a guild/community/friends and run with them.
Option 3 - Pull yourself up by the bootstraps and earn that IO, one step at a time, so that you can get into those groups that you want to be in!

Its really that simple.

So what happened to all those relationships then? See option #2 of my above listed options. If you had made so many meaningful relationships and connections then why are you not playing with said connections? This should be an absolute non-problem, yeah?

Also, you miss advertising in trade? I sure as heckin heck don’t! The long waits, tons of others spamming trade with their dungeon runs on top of your on top of thunderfury jokes on top of people actually trading on top of political discussions? Bruh
 Groups took FOREVER to form back then. I remember spending upwards of 2 hours forming DM/VC groups because getting players together was like pulling teeth! Even if the group finder was removed, that wouldn’t change people looking up IO and stuff. Instead, when you whisper them, they would just look up your info based on your character name when you whispered them.

To a point, this moment of rose tinted nostalgia has literally no coloration with your complain about IO at all and really just comes off as being blinded by nostalgia of a perceived “better time”

Make :clap: You :clap: Own :clap: Group! :clap:

Nothing is stopping you from helping out new players, unless you are also weeding them out. Literally, this isn’t about helping new players at all, its about you not getting into groups because YOU don’t meet the requirements and now you are trying to deflect the issue onto the guise of “I just want to help others!”

There is literally nothing stopping you from helping noobs out, there is literally nothing stopping you from forming your own group, the only thing stopping you is you and your whole argument and reasoning is so flawed and detached.

You are sitting here making hyperbolic statements like


All because you got declined to join a group that you personally did not meet the requirements of, you are now trying to turn this into a nostalgia trip of “times were better back when!” type of “Make Azeroth Great Again” level argument.

You wan’t to go back to the older days, the days were you were required to carry resistance gear, the days where good groups would pull you out to a training dummy to make sure you could actually DO good DPS, the days where you were sitting in trade for HOURS because you couldn’t get a healer or tank and people kept leaving the group out of impatience so you were sitting there constantly trying to replace the people who kept leaving?

Don’t hide behind a false sense of nostalgia because you can’t be bothered to put in any kind of effort to get a group. There are tons of guilds, there are tons of communities, there are TONS of options that you are actively choosing to ignore because YOU don’t want to put in the time or effort.


I just did some of the work for you. This is a very active M+ community that helps each other out in forming groups for content and are very noob friendly/welcoming. These types of groups and options are literally, LITERALLY, everywhere. Utilized them, actively utilize the options available to you instead of trying to play it off as if the game is worse off or as if you are a victim to a cruel system with no other options available.

This goes for everyone complaining about things like IO. If you really want to do content, work for it. There are many many MANY ways to tackle it, stop asking that the bars be lowered and instead rise to the occasion. You have the tools, only you can choose to take advantage of them or not.

EDIT: Here, to make it even easier, here is the direct link to join the community in question for those who don’t want to go to the thread and then find the community link.


Blizz ruined item level or wow heroes level + achieves.
you can just get lucky and be ilvl 415 but not actually a mythic raider.
that’s the problem

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You think that would be a good system, really?

“Hey guys I’ve got 12 waycrest here anyone want to come along?”

“Can’t sorry, haven’t done 11 waycrest yet. LMK next week if you have an 11 waycrest key so we can play together”.

Your idea is bad and you should feel bad.

You’re also totally wrong about gear. It’s got nothing to do with gear at all, of course I understand that you just hate plebs getting gear so will make up any sort of drivel to justify removing catch up gear.

The major source of gear inflation is M+ itself. Warfronts, emissaries, WQs etc don’t gear people up nearly as fast as you pretend. Sure you can spend 3 months collecting warfront gear and doing emissaries. If you did that you’d be about level 395 by now, 3 months into the season. Still 20 ilvls below people who have been doing actual content.

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Meh I don’t care honestly about pushing Mythic 10+ so whateva as long as I can still do lower mythic’s just fine for some free loot. The community has I think always had some way of filtering people out though so that’s not likely gonna change.

you keep using this word.

but no one is gatekeeping you from m+.

you have the same access to the dungeon system as everyone else. You don’t have guaranteed access to other player’s groups, no, but they cannot stop you from making your own group.


Do you mean the group nobody will join because of my IO score?

A group of players, with the aid of an addon, work to limit access to content until a certain condition, unrelated to any requirement in the game, is met.

I suppose you can call that anything you like. I certainly won’t stop you.

the only one limiting your access to the content is you and your refusal to make a group, network with others, join a community, guild or m+ discord.

YOU are stopping you, not anyone else.

you ARE NOT entitled to any other player’s group - that is a solid fact that will not change. Blizzard is not going to insist that someone invite you. That is not, however, gatekeeping, because you have THE SAME access to create a group as the person who won’t invite you.


I am afraid we will have to agree to disagree on those initial points.

Meanwhile, for those curious, the practical experience awaits you, feel free to give it a shot, just as you see it detailed above.

These threads don’t come from nowhere. But who knows, perhaps it will work wonders for you. Let experience be your guide.

Well I realize that I’m way late to this thread but I just wanted to give my two cents on the matter.

As someone who recently had there io wiped and is starting back over from 0, currently at 1030, and plans on going back up I’d like to say that everyone’s “journey” is not the same.

You choose where the game ends. You choose where the reward is not worth the effort. The choice of who to talk to, add, and group with is also yours. This goes for everyone in the group on all sides of the io debate.

Io score did not change what WoW was or what it could have been. What it did was automate a number of actions, create a standard and normalization, and then present it in-game through a little tooltip.

It’s not “casual players” who are effected the most because in the M+ scene I am a pretty casual player. I started out running all 6s, then 8s, until I was 400, and recently started 10s.

I have some lower-end friends that I only see online once or twice a week. A few have scores higher than me just by having completed 8s and 9s in time.

The players effected are the ones who inflate the value of their own achievements, ilvl, damage or healing, mechanical ability, and value to a group. Who refuse to acknowledge that the standard created by io is different from what they expect, or have grown accustom to in the past, and try to skip ahead to where they think they should be. The experience they find is, frustratingly, butting heads with someone who says “no” when you are trying to tell them “yes”.

Truthfully, io is not killing PvE, its the mentality of the people who wish they had something to blame other than themselves and I say that unapologetic.


Oh, I gave up on the RaiderIO addon. Doing M+ with a guild feels much more better than pugging a group to do it. And SuperGuildInvite needed to be broken. That was more annoying than RaiderIO.

Is that the one that keeps doing /who and whispers people in the zone?

SGI? No, it was the one that spammed guild invites and whispers anyone on your server, in the same faction, in any zone

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Why in the world would anyone want that to happen? People shouldn’t be obligated to carry you around because you suck and are incapable or refuse to play at a level above suck. Nor do fresh 120s deserve to be carried through content they aren’t ready for.

I’m hoping this was actually a troll post and that it isn’t indicative of your actual attempts at critical reasoning.

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Honest question, if you rank in the top 10% of logs
 how many players are out there that raid and don’t get logged, and how many players are out there that do not raid
 that might, even if you parse top 10% after the tier is dead
 potentially still make you rank in the top 1% of players overall?

I haven’t done the math. But say there are a million people playing this game, to manage top 1%, you’d only have to be one of the top 10,000 players.

I’m not arguing on behalf Kem, I largely think you and your points are valid and that the reason Kem isn’t getting the invites they want is because they didn’t put in the effort needed to climb the io ladder.

 as a matter of perspective and semantics
 it’s still possible they could conceivably be top 1% at the parse they achieved at the time, depending on how many players there were active. No?

Myself, I favor raider.io and like the addon and fully support it. Giving people more information with which to make informed decisions upon forming up groups is good for players and good for the game. People don’t need to use it they can do them and play casual and join up with other casual players, and no one is obligated to carry you. And players can play more hardcore and push content and enjoy the game that way too, that’s valid as well. Both styles of play are fine, but that doesn’t mean both styles of player are well suited to game together. And that’s fine too. Raider.io helps people group up properly in that regard and the efficiency gained from making informed group decisions is a good thing.

What a great post man, i think you just forgot to drop your mic because it was perfect no way to comeback from that.