🤔 Alpha Testers Already Not Motivated To Run Torghast

GO GO GO mentality players will not wait 10 minutes every pull for lust/hero to come down .It was always just a silly excuse to keep timers . The real challegne for these guys would be social interaction :rofl: :rofl:

  1. You get bored of real rogue likes eventually unless you’re a completionist.
  2. It’s alpha, everything is way more boring when you know it’s not actually for anything meaningful. It’s literally sandbox to mess around.
  3. The thread you linked is another Torment complain thread. It doesn’t really have anything to do with Torghast itself, you context your thread as if people are bored of the fundamental system of Torghast.
  4. The tower isn’t supposed to replace any content. It’s a new addition, so even if you get bored of it, oh well, it shouldn’t impact you severely or take anything away.
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Then torments won’t change the way you play, so don’t worry about them.

They do know better, listening to a fragmented playerbase that can’t agree on anything and has no video game design experience is why the game lost 12 million players.

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One post… from the OP, 3 posts in total and you think that’s going to be the ‘prevailing opinion’?

Get out of here with that tripe.

It takes less people than that for our President to claim “everybody is saying it”


What?! That’s just plain BS. Blizz did exactly what they wanted to do and ignored the beta and alpha testers. You’re telling me the players wanted time gated content? The players wanted titan forging, for 5 damn years after we all said it sucked? The players wanted essences, corruption, all of the nonsense they have shoved down our throats? Hell no. How long have the players complained about the GCD now? Months? Years? And Ion is fighting us every step of the way concerning its removal. Dont blame the players. That’s just pure nonsense. The players are why blizzard lost 12 million subs?! What are you smoking bro? “You think you do but you dont” isnt a thing?


Torghast was annoucned as a mode of content, specifically that did not have timers, and would not rush you to do anything. (Literally 2 of the 3 bullet points they had for introducing Torghast was about not rushing / no timers)

Blizzard appears to be going back on that, and ruining what Torghast was suppose to be.

Just more of the e-sports gogogo diablocraft mentality bleeding into the game and making it worse.

If you wanna zerg rush the entire bloody palce down, fine, do it.

Stop punishing people because they don’t want to mythic+ speed run the damn place.


Oh so what?! God forbid people play at their own pace. God forbid we let people play the way THEY want to. How exactly is it a problem?! Please tell me. How?


Most of the people responding to you are not in the alpha. A lot of people who post strongly positive posts about what’s shaping up for shadowlands don’t even seem to read the alpha forums.

There are very few posts made in the alpha forums. I also noticed that people who were really liking Torghast were saying it was no longer fun. Maybe those actual testers decided they were tired of being trashed by GD posters who hadn’t played in years or who were posting on untraceable forum alts and stopped posting in GD.

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Maybe if they made the power rewards worth it and not something any old scrub can get with little effort then torghast would be worth running

And here is another, new post.


Let me ask you have you done a heroic dungeon recently? The only people who might get to play at their own pace is the tank and even then they risk getting kicked if they are too slow.

That is group content as well as solo. It is nice if people are on the same page for those in that situation because it causes a lot of friction if a couple of people want to go slow and the rest want to go as fast as possible.

I am in alpha and torments don’t even appear in most of the modes.

You realize it effects SOLO Torghast as well, yes?


Yes I do. There are quest modes if you want to take a long time.

Torghast doesn’t need torments.

Remove Torments, leave the mode the way it was intended when announced. A solo friendly (Or group friendly) content, that your allowed to take at your own pace.


Torghast needs to be turned into an Ironman mode. You fail at any point and die, your character gets deleted.

Make it happen, Blizzard.


You know who will?

People from the biggest PvE and PvP guilds.

It’s not surprising. People have had their fill of timers in the game. MMORPGs have traditionally more been about exploration where you delve and explore, Blizz keeps trying to turn WoW into an ESport though.


Not for me.


Whoa, whoa, slow down there, bud. The truth doesn’t fit the narrative.

This is just another post to bash on Blizzard again, as usual. The hate for Blizzard and this game is out of hand and unbelievable. They could trash Torghast and take it out and players would be mad that they removed content, they could remove the timer and the same would be mad, that seems to be how it goes anymore.

Thankfully most of us still enjoy Blizzards work.

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