🤔 Alpha Testers Already Not Motivated To Run Torghast

Refer back to my:


Yes you are going to be effected. Its psychological and it is distracting from the experience. It doesnt even need to exist. It solves a non existing issue.


Are you sure that is it? They watch testers on alpha going through that tower and see a number of them just sitting there waiting until their cds are up and knowing how groups operate in this game realize that isn’t going to be fun game play so try to make adjustments so that people don’t do that - it is possible that could be the real reason?

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I agree with that statement. It solves a problem that in my mind and in the mind of a lot of players, doent exist.


I don’t have alpha, what I say doesn’t matter.

I am on alpha. I have done that content. I don’t see torments at all in most of the options. You only see them at the higher levels of twisting towers.

There is no psychological involved.

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It is nothing more than another move for Blizz to make you play the way THEY want you to. It’s nothing but a control tool and people are getting sick of it.


What spec do you play, just need to know before an example?

There are some classes that are having an easier time in Torghast, DHs and Shaman are going through it like a hot knife through butter. That’s an issue that can be fixed without making it worse for other classes that find it more challenging.

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If that’s the way you want to look at things, nothing anyone says will change it. The truth won’t even change that. So you know what if you are getting sick of it, time to find a new game because nothing blizzard does is ever going to please someone who wants to look at anything they do in that manner.

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Probably Unholy too, Unholy had good power with that kind of combat.

Whoa whoa, what do mean “the truth”? Whos truth? Your truth? Or the truth of the experience that the actual testers are expressing, cause that’s what I’m going off of? Dont just make your opinion “the truth.”


There is a truth I didn’t say what it was but guess what with your attitude you will never see it anyway.

Yeah and affliction is killing it in there too. I’ll be frost for the first time. Looking forward to SL honestly. I just want it to be good man. Blizzard gets in their own way so many times. I’m just passionate when I hear and watch alpha testers say how awesome Torghast is and then, like clockwork, Blizz does something to screw it up, for NO reason other than control.


I agree.

Most players don’t play that way waiting for CDs. But the choices should still be there.


Woah woah hold on now

That’s alot of counting for some

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So 2 people hate it? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Not for Valve players. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Entire stadium crowd full of Valve players boo at Bari.

What is not fun for one person is fun to another though. It comes down to the second part there, THEY don’t want us playing that way even if we do want to so THEY are going to make it impossible for us to play how WE want and force us to play how THEY want.


As a Rogue the class is designed around waiting for CDs and lining up CDs.

Not every class is going to play like a go go go Fury Warrior. Blizz needs to think this through.


Fricking 100%. There was no reason to add torments. The only people who will wait and do this are 2% of the player population, and that’s who bliz is trying to stop. Who freaking cares if some no-lifes want to spend 6 hours in Torgast waiting on Lust every pull. Let them waste their day, that’s their choice. I plan to go in and over the course of an evening with friends do however many floors we can with the couple hours we have available. We’re dads and workers, 2 hours is about it at night. We’re going to push and probably die stupid deaths because why not, it’s for fun. Or we may make stupid videos and post them to our group for some laughs. Let us play the content our way, stop forcing crap mechanics because “we know better”. That’s how you lost 12 mil subs in the first place bliz.