🤔 Alpha Testers Already Not Motivated To Run Torghast

They probably do. And I personally plan to post fight it every step of the way. If they want to put those timers in, I plan of making it as painful as I possibly can. I want to spend my time annoying them like a buzzing fly around their heads until it comes out.

Cause lord knows when it does it will be annoying me in the same way… I call this balance.


Good job. Two highly subjective opinions posted on forums.

Great post this…

I do not think that words means what you believe it to mean…

Your right, It’s probably pre-revenge. :stuck_out_tongue:

I can not describe how much I hate timers and their effects not only on me but the playerbase in general.


Blizzard can’t even make up their mind wanting player to take their time to play or just gogogo all the way and get all the loot.


Lol, okay.

It is never ok. It is just satisfactory. Or not.