📋 WoW Classic Realm Population Statistics - January 2020 - Do You Guys Know a Better Source of Information?

There was an addon - wowcensus - that collected population data from /who queries. I believe WoWClassicPopulation is doing the same thing.
Official population numbers were never released.

WoWClassicPopulation is a really bad resource though…

I don’t think corporations get “embarassed”. But they may decide that it isn’t a good idea to release this information, which is the same thing. That decision could be either of these, or both of these:

  • it is not good for the players of the game
  • it is not good for Activision-Blizzard

I agree. In a 2016 public interview, one of the WoW devs said that “less than half the playerbase does any one thing in the game: raiding, Mythic dungeons, pvp, pet battles, crafting, etc.”

That wasn’t Classic. But it’s clear that WoW is a “combination” game, with a wide variety of players.

Isn’t it the definition of “embarrassed” though?"
They don’t want to release the information, beause it is not good for Activision-Blizzard.
Means it can hurt their reputation.
Why? Because the numbers are very likely gonna show, that more people are playing the “old” wow then the “new” wow, and it certainly is gonna mean they are doing something wrong.

On most rp or rp pvp servers ally dominant side

Mmm, that’s good necro!

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The TL:DR is that there is no way of knowing.

If you’re genuinely interested in finding a new home, I would suggest investing some time into rolling a fresh character there and playing on it, getting to know the people, asking them what it’s like.

Look at it as a long term investment to save yourself another $25.

If your interests are purely around actual populations, the most accurate way you’re going to get that info is by running the Census addon yourself consistently during different times of the day on both horde and alliance.

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