[A][US][Dalaran] Nexus is recruiting players interested in two-night mythic raiding. Here are the highlights:
Schedule: Mondays and Wednesdays 8-11PM Central.
Progression: 8/10 Mythic, 10/10 Heroic
High priority: Mage or other Ranged DPS
Will always consider exceptional players for any role.
Contact Information:
Battlenet: Rakshaza#1568 / Discord: Wirewolf#0874
Battlenet: Halbrium#1395 / Discord: Marius#7686
We are looking to augment our existing, CE-experienced core with motivated players looking to improve. Nexus has been around for just over ten years now, raiding from Cataclysm all the way through Legion, hovering around the US ~500-600 mark (occasionally 300) for mythic progression.
In particular, we are looking for raiders who are looking to make progress on an abbreviated schedule - just six hours of raiding a week means we have to be efficient and quick learners to make any real progress.
Nexus strives to be a guild where people show up to play with their guildies and do hard content - not just to progress and parse. We promote an attitude of constant self-analysis and improvement among our raid team, but we are not in the habit of making raiders duke it out for a spot on the raid team every week. This is a tough line to walk sometimes, but we walk it nonetheless.