☾ Kaldorei of WrA Discord Server ☽

I’m glad this thread got bumped, I’m excited to join and meet some more Kaldorei!


I’m having trouble being able to join the Discord, is it possible anyone could send me an invite? If not, my discord name is tsukii#8288.

Believe I’ve sent you a friend request, #Isuldien0244 is my discord if you didn’t get it. Send me a friend request/PM and I’ll get you an invite

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So I’m tying to click the server link for the discord, but it keeps redirecting me to a forum post! I’m pretty sure I’m in this discord already, but it seems like a strange error, I’m not sure if it’s intentional!

I would like to inquire to the state of this discord? Is it still active or has it fallen silent?

From what I can see from the linked thread, you need to contact one of the moderators. You can find the list of the moderator discord tags at the bottom of the first post here

I do not know if the discord is still active considering the last post in that thread was May 2021.

Quoting Thildras for posterity as well.

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