☽ Lunar Festival 2021 [Complete]

There is plenty of space :partying_face:

I would like to participate in the race, but not on the bear team if possible. The bear team beat me once, and I must have my revenge.

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The choice between wolf and saber is yours :star_struck:

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Heellloooo I would like to officially register Team Bear to make sure Arane doesn’t win again. Sil’fer Whitecrest, Kythera Moonlight, and Anarisil Moonbough


I think I was wolf last time, so if there’s free space mark me down for that if you can!

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you play a dangerous game Sil

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Racer Sign Up Slots

Saber Riders Wolf Riders Bear Riders
Allethea Aranë Anarisil
Mauricius Gotosh Kythera
Mozelle Kelthos Sil’fer

OOC: Teams of 3 players each must sign up via this forum post to participate in the race. No speed-enhancing talents, items, or buffs will be permitted. Teams are permitted only one class with a passive speed bonus to ensure the game is fair. Those who wish to participate are asked to ensure they have one of the following mounts: a saber, a worg/wolf, or a bear.


If you got one last slot open. Id like to race

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Team Wolf may have lost this year, but we’ll be back next year!


:first_quarter_moon_with_face: :heart: :last_quarter_moon_with_face:

Thank you to everyone that joined us in Moonglade this year for the celebration of the Lunar Festival! The various event winners as well as the album for the event will be posted soon!

As with every year, the goal of the Lunar Festival holiday was to promote world RP, celebrate the holiday theme IC and provide a platform for folks to engage others and meet new people. Thank you all for making this another amazing festival! I hope everyone had a wonderful time, and we hope to see you all again next year!

p.s. If anyone found an Epic Fortune ticket (worth 5,000g), please reach out to me for your prize :sunglasses:


Thank you to all the wonderful people who showed up last night! You made it a blast.

And many thanks for the patience of all who stopped by Risri’s photo booth as I dealt with a storm knocking out my internet constantly.

Congratulations to the winners of the costume contests!
You can find all the photographs Risri took last night at moment-in-time-wra dot tumblr dot com :slight_smile:

Thanks again all!


I really loved this event! Thank you to all the hosts for setting this up!


This was an absolute blast! Thanks for letting me play vendor.

I’ve been to this event a few times before, on different characters, and I swear, it just gets better and better every year.

Can’t wait for next time! <3


It was a genuine joy to set up the tea cart again - felt like coming home. Thank you all & see you soon.


The Omen play was expertly done and I greatly enjoyed watching the races/moonball tournament. All around a great event!


A bit late, but updated with event photo albums :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Thank you again to all who came out to support the event and enjoy some world roleplay together!


Looking forward to the next one! And hopefully that means a return to seasonal events, not waiting a whole year to get together again.


I believe Naelir and others in the Kaldorei community on WRA are putting together seasonal markets again :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: