Wrathion is a child and a reptile. Disgusting post.
MTV says otherwise.
I’d pick wrathion because he’s a bad as and definitely gets dragon tail.
Seb is huge dork.
He raises jr rotc kids
^ this nerd picks seb
You see how this looks???
Wrathion was born during Cataclysm.
Dragons Age differently than mortals, but still, that’s just weird.
The whole premise of the thread was weird from the jump. It didn’t need Wrathion to get there.
To be fair, it IS the WoW forums.
Can’t get much weirder.
You realize you just gave someone their “Hold my beer” moment, right?
Seeing “Wrathion is 12: Thread Canceled” on the forum page makes me laugh.
It’s a story of its own.
This is what happens when I quit during first patch of cata and come back for Shadowlands
To be fair to OP, not everyone keeps track of character ages since 99.999% of NPCs have been the same age since 2004. Joking aside I’m sure they were just trying to make a silly hypothetical while the mods are away.
Twelve in DRAGON years, or so he claimed back during Mists of Pandaria (he wasn’t twelve years old then, he was like two).
Only black dragons have reason to vote for Sabellian. It’s literally the only thing he cares about, world can burn and get eaten by old gods and he wont do a thing. Unlike Wrathion. Who would destroy world first trying to save it
That’s the most adult looking 12 year old I’ve ever seen.
We were right!
Well visages are the inner representation you want others to see you as since they are magical disguises. He probably is a little embarassed after his literal temper tantrum in mists and trying to seem more adult now.
The more confusing thing is how he has grown to the size of nearly an aspect since MoP in dragon form…
You’re the MVP
Are you talking about the visage form he takes? Aka the magical disguise he uses to interact with other races? The Azerothian court of law doesn’t take “Catfished by an underage dragon” as an excuse. He was born during cataclysm and was a whelp up until BFA. He is an adolescent dragon.