★ PSA: Void Elf Paladins are justified in the Lore ★

Very ironic and Kalli!! You look AMAZING <3


After forsaken paladins

Light and Death aren’t polar opposites, and there are countless instances of Light and Death mixing within creatures even before Lightforged Draenei were introduced.

Undead being one example, where it’s a common practice within their Priesthood to practice both the Light and the Dark. They don’t combine the two forces however, which would be the case for Void Elves.

Void Elves aren’t canonically Holy or Disc priests. The only reason they have the Priest class is due to it being a no brainer that they’d be Shadow Priests.

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Would you prefer I switch over to my main, a gnome rogue?

Void Elves have gotten literately everything thus far on a silver platter. Y’know that Nintendo Fans meme that describes Pokemon, Animal Crossing and Smash Bros fans as “Gluttons who would not be content with all of the riches of Heaven”? That’s, basically Void Elf fans at this point.

No comments on races with few race/class combo, like Lightforged, getting new stuff. No comments on missing classes for other longstanding races, like Worgen or Goblins. No comments on actually very lore-compliant stuff to the point the entire Paladin order hall was about “Night Elf Paladins should be a thing, huh?”

No, gotta drop everything so Void Elves, the most popular allied race, can have another class despite the fact they’ve got all but four classes in the game already, because clearly they don’t have enough people rolling them for some reason.

Wait your turn. I waited since Vanilla for gnome hunters, you can wait in line until Night Elves get paladins because they deserve it a heck of a lot more than Void Elves do.

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Eh, I’m not particularly convinced that the, “Polar opposites” argument is as strong as people think it is. The Undead have complained about pain when they interact with the light just like Alleria complains about when dealing with her husband…

Also Alleria’s carrying around a Naaru, so the Sunwell thing is a different situation as well. Void Elves aren’t demi-god paragons of Void.

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No thanks.

Eh, they can get it at the same time.

Why are you guys always acting like Blizzard can’t walk and chew bubblegum at the same time? Seems like Lightforged and Nightborne both got included in 9.1.5.

Also, believe it or not, Void Elves haven’t gotten their customization pass yet in the first place.

But I don’t even get the point? I play a Night Elf main. I don’t care if Void Elves get Paladin first.

Tell you what, if you want equality, how about you wait 16 years for whatever you want? That seems pretty fair to me. 2037 and you can get your Blood Elf needs addressed. That’s equality.


It’s good seeing you after all the big stuff is behind us. :slight_smile:


I’m a void elf holy priest.


The counter arguments always gonna be, “But you’re supposed to be Discipline or Shadow.”

Discipline, which also uses the light.

And the answer for Paladin should be the same. Give us playable Paladins. if people complain about it, tell em’ they’re supposed to be shadow paladins or something. Who cares.

They’re just trying to keep the Alliance players down.

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Agreed! It’s nice seeing you too handsome <3 I remember when we first started this and all the baggage that came with it but we finally won <3


No. I am Holy.

I want to welcome the idea of void elf paladins.

Stubborn types will just have to deal with it. I won’t stop until I get what I want.

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Dear ~Wall of Text~

Needs to happen; VE Hpals would rock so hard in PVP.


Worgen Shamans + buffed racials. And, while we’re at it: fix Nightborne; those racials are a hot mess too.

Make it happen.


We’re on the same team here. :rofl: Relx.


Sorry. I am ready for battle. That’s all.

I see a blood elf replying…

Brace yourself.


Probs been repeated lots but I want to say it anyway.

A Priest can get away with wielding Holy and Shadow magic externally. Shadowform is like an aura AROUND the body (not part of it) and ‘Voidform’ for shadow priests is temporary. This is why Lightforged shadow priests can make sense, because the Light within them means that these powers couldn’t transform them permanently.

That would never work for Paladins. Like Holy Priests, they’re religiously opposed to the Shadow. They don’t subscribe to the pragmatic ‘Discipline’ philosophy of balance between the two. Faith dominates their entire lives, and even the slightest doubt weakens their powers. It’s constant, whereas the most powerful Priest abilities are all temporary.

If a Paladin decided to study Void magic (like the High Elf Wayfinders/Silvermoon Scholars), they’d essentially be betraying their absolute faith in the Light. That requires some pragmatic ‘compromises’ that would erode the solid conviction they’d need to be Paladins.

Even more impossible for the original purple Void Elves, because the Shadow infused in them means that the Light can never fill their bodies. So they can be Holy Priests (with their abilities mostly external and of temporary duration) but they can never be Paladins.


Holy Priests and Holy Paladins use the same Light for power.

It’ll be okay. Relax.

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I rather would have him or Danuser not say anything about the lore anymore. The idea of Void Elves alone were already crazy and damaging enough.

This is a high elf topic.

And you’re just a little filthy gremlin.

WTB Shadow Knight!

I’m entitled as everyone else to have an opinion for having every playable race at max level, including a few sub cultures as their own characters.