“Rampage” Achievement - can’t obtain

I’m attempting to complete the “Rampage” achievement (part of Master of Torment → Tower Ranger → Back from the Beyond). I’ve gotten to 10 stacks and held 10 stacks for 30 consecutive seconds. I read comments on WoWhead saying that the buff had to fall off for the achievement to pop up. Some have said you must leave or complete the floor first. I’ve tried all of that at least twice, on two different floors. I’m attempting this in Skoldus Hall. I still don’t have the achievement, and I don’t see any comments of anyone having a similar issue. I took screen recordings and sent in a ticket, but given my past experience with CS, I doubt they will do anything for me. Does anyone have recommendations? I won’t be able to get the mount or achievement (Back from the Beyond) until this is resolved.


Having the same issue, same Skoldus Hall, on my mage. Played around but haven’t found the cause of the issue yet. If I get lucky and find something I’ll let you know.


Thank you! I’m going to try it again tomorrow if the blessing is up in another wing. I’ll update here.

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Well, haven’t found a workaround yet. Still haven’t tried another character so that’s next up. On the plus side, I also found out the Avenge Me! achievement is not triggering for me either, so that’s great.

having the same issue, tried both in Skoldus Hall and Upper Reaches. Tried exacly 30s, tried over 30s. tried keepin the buff up the whole floor. nothing… glad im not the only having issues. submitted a bug report about 2hrs ago… so i just waiting .

Same here for me. I tried a few days ago, and submitted a ticket…

Same problem here, you guys are not alone. Submitted a ticket here also, but the GM told me to report the bug here and pray for DEVs fix it. Several hours and no success, wasted time, I could be doing something better in my life, but I was there trying a silly achievment that isnt working.

Tried today and still broken on Fracture Chambers. Hope this gets fixed as it blocks the meta achievement

I’m sorry you all are experiencing this, but I must admit I’m happy it’s not just me! LOL I got a response to my ticket yesterday asking me to submit a bug report. I did clip it once I realized there was likely an issue, so I’ll attach that if possible. Please submit tickets if you haven’t already, because they indicated they were NOT aware of this issue as of yesterday.

Still broken, guess blizzard dont care about this. They could just remove the requirement since they dont know how to fix it, remove it

To be fair, it is ‘old’ content, so i get and understand why its not on the top of the list. I mean from the time of the DF meta release till just last week, it wasnt giving an achievement reward… but they finally fixed it…

we just have to be patient.

We are together in the same problem.
Do we pay subscription for this Blizzard? In addition to Rampage, Avenge Me! Have the same problem.

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Didn’t they just revamp this achievement, though? They removed the meta and then added it back, right? So it might be “old” content (not really, but “not current” I suppose), but they definitely just announced the meta came back with a mount. My question is… why didn’t anyone test this before bringing it back? That’s where the frustration lies.

The achievement is still bugged it seems. I held onto the rampage buff for well over a minute a couple times and the achievement still won’t pop. Nothing happened after finishing the run as well.

No response yet?

where is the blizzard GMs? this game looks like it is abandoned. ok that they are working in a new exp. But we still here xD. Avenge Me! achiv have the same problem. saw somewhere that the meta “back from the beyond” will be deactivated after DF. I’m worried about this meta with this bugs.

GMs have nothing to do with bug fixing.

Your posts here are monitored by Blizzard QA, who transfers bug reports to the developers’ work ticketing system, but they don’t comment on the reports. And the developers themselves have nothing to do with the forums.

So generally there won’t be any acknowledgement of a bug, and no promise of when (or even if) a fix may be forthcoming.

This didn’t help at all.

Well, you asked a question, and now you’ve received your answer.

So, I have been informed – and confirmed – that the Avenge Me! achievement is now working. Rampage still seems broken, but the same person told me they were working on a fix for that with the next patch, supposedly? Keep the faith.

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