“A Wolf in Wolves Clothing”: Grobbulus Fan Fiction Chapter 17 “The Inglorious Death of Taurenpunter"

In Silithus, at the bottom of Hive’Zora, the party regrouped; Fidesa, Dale, Missin, Shin, Legolas and their guide, Taurenpunter, stood in a circle.

“Ok,” Fidesa said, “Do we have bread and water?”

“Yes,” Missin said.

“Yes,” Legolas said.

“Melee, do you have sharenping stones and agility pots?” Fidesa said.

“Yes,” Shin said.

“Yes,” Taurenpunter said.

“Is everyone repaired?” Fidesa said.

Looking themselves over, the party checked their gear, Taurenpunter looked a little distraught.

Fidesa said, addressing Taurenpunter, “Everything ok?”

“Actually, my gear is red. I’ve got to repair,” Taurenpunter said.

The party let out a collective sigh.

“Go,” Fidesa said, “go, go, go, you can repair at Cenarion Hold.”

Taurenpunter worked his way up and out of Hive’Zora and made his way back to Cenarion Hold. There, he repaired his gear, mounted, and headed back to Hive’Zora.

Feeling a little guilty about holding the party up, Taurenpunter dismounted on the edge of Hive’Zora and, standing on the rim, looked down into the hole bored into the earth.

“This is not that high up,” he thought to himself; “My health is full, I can make this jump and it’ll speed things up a bit, might even look cool, descending like a meteor from above, brushing myself off, I’ll say something like ‘took the express elevator’ or something witty like that, that’ll be one hell of an entrance.” Taurenpunter took a deep breath and prepared himself for his spectacular entrance, the small figures of the party below unaware he had returned.

Taurenpunter stepped off the edge into empty space, down he fell, accelerating, landing with a THUMP dead.

The party let out a collective sigh.

Missin looted Taurenpunter’s body, collecting 1g, 22s, and 33c and she did not distribute it equally among her party members.

Read the story on Reddit at: https://www.reddit.com/r/Grobbulus/comments/j4jur2/a_wolf_in_wolves_clothing_grobbulus_fan_fiction/