Please explain this warning

I just received a warning as described in the post below

I have no idea what behaviour was reported to Blizzard.

Could be anything from excessive trash talk in bg that would be over the top spamming the same message in chat in 2 short of a time. Basicly blizzard telling you to watch what u say other wise there will be more serious consequences.


well i wasnt in a BG i was on my horse in front of the Northshire Abbey…

And all i did was post the same message in LFG chat. I certainly wasnt spamming chat


So what you’re telling me is “you have been warned”

Again…what behaviour has merited a warning? I understand the system is 100% automated thanks to your linking the Support Article but that doesnt actually tell me what behaviour has broken the rules…


Essentially, yes.

Neither your fellow players, myself included, nor CS, can see what caused this.

Until those reports are investigated by a GM, and found to actually violate the rules, then a silence or suspension will be issued. At that point you can appeal. If nothing was found in the reports, then you will not hear anything.

At this point all the fellow posters can say for sure is something you said was not appreciated, modify your behavior in the future.


“Spamming” is a fluid term. Generally speaking, once every five minutes is advisable, but even that isn’t guaranteed to be safe.

Also, it could depend on what you’re posting. If you’re posting a guild advert in LFG? You can be sanctioned for that. LFG is absolutely only to be used for forming groups. We have seen people silenced and even suspended for guild adverts, nattering on about random things using the channel like a global trade chat.


Ah I see…

THIS was helpful. I was not aware that LFG channel was not to be used for any communication other than forming groups…

Thank you so much Leilleath for your informative response. Yes as I said earlier I was posting for guild recruitment (guild charter signatures actually).

NOW I can continue playing WoW without the looming threat of suspension hanging over my head with no knowledge of what behaviour has caused this.



Most welcome! We’ve been seeing this with more and more regularity - people being warned or even fully sanctioned because of using LFG as the global catch-all. It should have been made more clearer when Classic first rolled out, in my opinion, because now we’re at the third iteration and people are genuinely shocked and surprised when they’ve gotten warned, silenced, and/or suspended for misusing the channel. I’m glad you only received the warning, and we were able to explain things out before any reports ramped up. Good luck with the new guild!


Each of these behavior warnings needs to come with a category or multiple categories on the issues they find warranting a warning.

It’s just a warning, they can’t tell you why you received the warning.

You were informed poorly. More likely, you heard what you wanted to hear.

Yes, one line of text can be considered spam, when it is contributing to the overall spam.

The best example is the body part or Thunderfury spam. You may only contribute one line, but if you’re part of a larger group spamming the chat, you can (and will) get dinged.


Depending on the subject matter, it could have been spam. The term is kind of nebulous. It can mean repetitive posting or what can be construed as inappropriate or off-topic depending on where the conversation is taking place. Not everything belongs in every channel or place. There are some things that just don’t need to be brought into the game - period. While it’s great that they’re finally cracking down on such things, it should have been happening since day one so that people couldn’t be hinging arguments on “well, I’ve always done this!!!” or railing on about how “everyone else does it!!!”


nope. sorry to inform you of your assumption being incorrect. it came from several people on here, including a blue poster, when discussing an infraction that got me banned for a week.