I cannot make a death knight in classic?

It says I must have a level 55 on any realm. I only have a 58 on a realm I gave up on. But does it have to be horde to make a horde one? Or something else prevents me?

You get one free Death Knight that you can create on any realm. Once you have used that one up, in order for you to create a DK, you must have a level 55 on the realm that you intended to start the new DK.

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So if I delete that one I made to check out a realm and stuff I can make one on the realm I plan on playing on?

You already used up your unrestricted DK. So if you have a level 55 or higher on the realm you plan to play on, then yes should be able to create a DK.

Edit: Apparently I didn’t research enough. Vrakthris gave a better answer.


Yes. That is currently how it is set up.

If you create your restriction-free Death Knight on the wrong realm, you must delete it before you can create a new restriction-free Death Knight on the correct realm. Customer Support will not assist in transferring a Death Knight to another realm.


Hi. I downloaded wrath classic and logged in, but no server will let me create a deathknight at all. Im sure im just missing something, any help?

Which realms are you trying, Tristten? You won’t be able to create one on a Fresh Start realm, so that is Maladeth and Skyfury.

You should be able to on the others.

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It doesn’t seem to work on Eranikus.

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Eranikus may have been mistakenly marked as a Fresh Start realm. It’s been reported and is being looked into.


Thank you!

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Sorry, was goofin off in retail. I tried on all the ones that said full. Ill try again now.

Edit* I have the option now. Thank you.

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It is still not working today on Eranikus.

So anything older than a couple of weeks is kind of a necro. There has been numerous hotfixes and changes made since the time of this thread.

At this time it is showing Eranikus as allowing for character creation and paid transfers. (note to say that the page showing that hasn’t been updated in two weeks, so I don’t know if that status has changed.) Mind you, the first DK you create on Wrath Classic you can create on any realm allowing for character creation no matter if you’ve got a level 55+ on that realm or not. After that, all subsequent DKs do require a level 55+ on that realm to roll a new DK. You can, however, delete that first DK and kind of reclaim that “unlocked” DK and reroll it on another realm.

By reviving this older thread, you’re not really explaining your issue clearly. Do you already have characters on Eranikus? Is this the first DK you’re trying to roll (i.e. the “unlocked” one?) or is this a subsequent DK? With more information, perhaps it can be explained what the issue is here.



So please do not necro threads older than a few weeks. What was the issue back then isn’t necessarily the same issue you’re facing. There have been many hotfixes and patches and whatnot, to change the dynamics of the situation that brought OP here. In the future, create your own thread please.

Now that that part is handled… Are you certain the one you deleted was the “free” DK that you created first? Which realm were you trying to roll on? More information can only help further pinpoint the issue.