Goodbye Azeroth

Greetings fellow Adventurer’s

As of today, I have decided to leave Azeroth for the final time, which feels odd to say knowing that Dragonflight has, as a whole, been a step in the right direction for the game. The reason for my departure is simple, Azeroth is no longer fun and new, it’s just a grind simulator.

What do I mean by a Grind Simulator?
The answer is simple. In order to be competitive in content, you need to do all content. This means 20+ hours a week of “Forced Enjoyment” to do the content that I really enjoyed, Raiding. “Forced Enjoyment” is of course, M+ and rep grinds. The problem now is, M+ rewards are too good to ignore. And for me, the guy who can do all the mechanics in raid (and then some) but will be the first to kill your key, M+ isn’t enjoyable or satisfying content. It’s more mandatory than ever with crafted pieces giving up to near top mythic item level, the vault that gives an extremely high item level piece, and repeatedly farmable gear that is less contested than in raids.

I have no desire to play this system. When I do, after 1 key I am ready to just go do something else. I can’t even say I’ve learned that dungeons well enough at this point to necessarily time them all at 15 because of this. The idea of having to run 8+ dungeons a week to get the upgrade item for crafting and fill out vault slots is so daunting to someone who has no desire to ever play the content. It is a grind.

If I had the choice, I would log on for my 6 hours a week for raiding, maybe another hour or 2 more to do a dungeon with some friends if they were doing that, and that’s it. But that choice has been taken away from me as it takes far more than that to do the content I enjoy.

For clarity, I am a mythic raider. Our guild came out pushing top 3 top 2 on our realm when we first went into mythic. Now, the demands of the game are too great for me to enjoy it anymore.

TL/DR: M+ is ruining the game for casual Raiders.

As an aside, my personal investment is at an all time low as I wasn’t able to enjoy Dragonflight like so many other expansions due to when it was released. I work in shipping, and between Thanksgiving and Christmas, my schedule becomes 6 days a week, 10-12 hours a day. Normally I read quest text on my first playthrough of each campaign and piece together all of the lore, but I wasn’t able to this time. Which, unfortunately, ruins any possible investment into the lore of Dragonflight and has had repercussions on how much I am actually grinding reputations to see the story.

Lok’tar Ogar and Farewell.


Give gold thx


See you, space cowboy.


I’ll miss you and I hope you get over this depression soon :kissing_heart:


Later dude.

Azeroth will be here if you decide you miss us.

BfA and SL broke something for me, well that and it cleared out the guild and my friends list, I’m not in it to win it anymore.

I’m afk majority of the time if I’m on, I don’t operate well on my own in game anymore it would seem, I’m a little surprised by this but it is what it is.

I could quit but then I’d be sad, instead I keep saying I’ll join another guild but I don’t want to come into the big room and stand on a chair and say “Hey my name is Paladina and I’m new here” so yeah my game life sucks atm but I’m not quitting.


People say the same thing whenever an Elder Scrolls game or something similar comes out.

When I stopped playing in Cataclysm, my interest in the game had been waning for some time because I refused to raid without my best friend (who stopped playing at the end of the summer that Firelands came out), but then I picked up Skyrim over Christmas break and was so engrossed that I didn’t log into WoW at all, didn’t even cancel my subscription for the first few months I wasn’t logging in anymore because that’s how much I wasn’t thinking about WoW.

Edit: just realized a day later that I responded to the wrong thread but I guess what I said is still relevant


I dont blame you, the raid progression from Heroic to Mythic has no natural path bc in order to do Mythic Raid the raiders needs to have gear out of 16-20 dungeon vault rewards, which by then most of those players dont actually need gear out of Mythic raid … lol


I’ve met some nice people and realized that the most fun I’ve had in WoW is just doing what I want and not “what I have to”. I realize now end game is a drag if you trudge through M+ and things “because you have to”. I’ve yet to even give two hoots about DF stuff. I’m doing old contents, quests, dailies and things. It’s way more fun.

Regardless may you find the Way, Truth and a new Life that leads you to a better place of joy since WoW doesn’t cut it for you anymore.


Youll be back.


Best of luck to you and I hope you find what you are looking for in your next venture.

That’s a pretty well reasoned position that will put you at odds with the community. Enjoy a change of pace, but pop into Azeroth from time to time to see how the game is progressing. It may change again in the future or you could enjoy some other part of the game.


Best of luck to you! I’ll be heading out in 12 days and I can’t say I will miss it. The final nail for me was making it near impossible to get a simple ring from the raid. Their gearing system has gone from bad to worse and I really didn’t think that was possible.

BTW, you didn’t miss much by not reading the texts of the quests. Another huge area of disappointment in this game.



Take care. Hope you find your way back some day. :wave:




I guess?


haha fewer horde

girl bye :v:


Just play classic era, its exploding and its actually fun. Retail wow and wrath of the bot king are trash made for new age speed runners and low attention span kids. There is absolutely nothing good about what blizz has done. They only care about cosmetics and flashy crap. Its hollow and vacant. So move to classic era, whitemane. The last remnant of what was good about the game, and we’re enjoying the slow progression and we actually have a community thats not a toxic cesspool like retail. Guild Dawn has over 900 memebers and many other guilds with over 300, horde and ally almost equal in numbers. Were now a medium pop cluster and rising


Yea i think we all knew that, but its a competitive grind simulator thats why people take pride in it lol …


See ya in 6 months, a year, 2 years, etc.


Kay, bye now.


Good luck on your new adventures, dude! have fun!

this is why everyone hates Gnomes