Goodbye Azeroth

Have a good one <3

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This seems contradictory but ok. Bye, I guess.


Honestly I feel pretty similar I have been enjoying raiding a lot this expansion but I feel like I have to grind M+ just to be competitive. Tbh after running each dungeon a few times I just have no interest in doing them again.

When I work 10+ hours a day with 3 hours of commuting I just don’t want to spend time in dungeons with awful mechanics.
Which is unfortunate because I really do enjoy raiding, I just tire of the prerequisites.


Goblins cough

My account dries up tomorrow. There are no valid reasons to stay subbed.


You shouldn’t announce your departure at an airport. No one cares there either.


Maybe a more simple and less time consuming game is good for your lifestyle. Mobile gaming has come a far way for gamers with a short attention span, games like Candy Crush Saga or Wordly can be played for a few minutes here and there without requiring any further dedication and you can quit and come back to the games at any given point.


Only right direction were them bringing back talent trees imo.

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That’s a lovely song. I can see that guy going places.

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Good luck to you. :slight_smile:

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Well… Bye.

I agree with the OP, I enjoy raiding but dislike the “speed runs” that M+ requires… l am an older casual player who likes to socialize and take their time in game… Plus, last summer I had a stroke that affected my vision and, well, speed runs are pretty much beyond me now…

I wish Blizzard’s “tent” was big enough for everyone… Casual gamers included.


lol kthxbye

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See you next expansion

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Imma have to check that out. Retail is just a dumpster when compared to vanilla.

I hear you. I’ve been playing it since it came out in 2004. It’s no longer fun, it’s just a job that I frankly have no time for. I, too, have a job and don’t have the time to raid. Not to mention that every guilt I’ve ever been in disappears, because people keep leaving the game. LFG is a nightmare, so I’m stuck with questing and sub par drops and even worse grinding.
Also, the players’ base is not even remotely what it is used to, to say the least.


lol saying and meaning mythic+ is interfering with normal raiding just lol lmao even


It’s a bit weird. My progression is a bit better than yours, and mythic dungeon is in no way huge requirements. Hell, most can’t complete 16-17 currently.


You don’t need to run m+ if you’re in a casual guild. What are you talking about.


Taa taa! :eyes:

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