5 Day Wait Time for tickets & Unable to Socket Season 4 items

I have posted this everywhere are no one is responding.
I have had a ticket opened for 5 days are no one is responding.

Items in Upper Kara like the ring of monstrosities can not have a socket added to them from the great vault token rewards.

I wasted a week of game play and rewards to be ignored and to play a game riddled with bugs.

I have posted daily in bug submission and no one has responded as well.

Do I need to take my money somewhere else ? Because I dont feel like im anything close to a valued customer I feel completely ignored.

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Tickets are averaging 3-4 days due to a big influx of tickets have u checked any of you tickets to see if u have had recieved a response thru account management the other possibility is your ticket may not have been created due to a bug.

I want a blizzard response on this. This has been a problem with the game for 4 weeks now and has gone completely ignored so I will not stop posting new threads until I get a blue post.

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bug reports will only be responded to if more information is needed.

spamming the same reports is pretty pointless.


On this account, Xotic? I don’t see any tickets open. Do you have a ticket ID?

That forum is to report bugs, our QA team wouldn’t likely respond unless they require additional information.

If you are referring to the Fated Matter Fractalizer, the issue was hotfixed, but items created prior to that hotfix couldn’t be retroactively updated. Our staff should be able to help. The link to submit a ticket is in the Support Article below.


Same boat bro, i put hundreds of hours in last season and im waiting 5+ days for some actual support. Customer support from Blizzard has really fallen.

Did you bother to read the Blue post above yours? Did you get a ticket ID?


Same issue for me, but I just created the ticket yesterday, so no rush.

Ticket id is US85702084 Just in case!

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Has anyone had this issue fixed? Blizzard closed mine saying wait for hotfix.

As far as I know the hotfix had already been applied to help resolve the issue going forward. Our Devs were unable to retroactively resolve it for existing items though.

Please reopen your ticket and if you can include the name of the helm.


Thank you I have reopened my ticket, and included the name of my helm.