Was having fun with the game but…

I eventually encountered a level that was comparably impossible to finish with the army i just leveled up. I havent played again since trying a few dozen times.

The reason:

I have zero interest in grinding my armies or units though PvP.

To be fair, i dont have any interest in grinding at all.

If the level difficulty curve requires me to go engage with other game mode that I dont enjoy to “level up”, Im basically going to lose interest.

Also, Im not going to buy gold to buy mini levels. I’ll never do that. I might buy cosmetics, or even pay $50 for a fun game, but you’ll never get me to pay to win.

There are 1000s of games in the world that I can play that dont require me to pay to win. I have more games in my steam library the i can probably play to completion in the next decade.

Stop trying desperately to scam people like you are a casino.

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Literally the opposite of this guy:

I was enjoying the game too, right up until the point where the difficulty curve made it impossible to continue playing the game because they wanted to “encourage” me to buy gold to level up my minis.

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How much money have you paid? Because no way can you enjoy this for more than a week without paying.

I know you were asking the other guy but I’ll answer too: I’ve paid nothing.

If they want me to pay for a game, fine, I’ll put up $20-80 for a fun game at the point of sale. I might even buy cosmetics here and there once a year or so. I have no problem paying developers for their work.

What I’m not going to do is buy currency to level up the minis. I’m not going to buy a Battle Pass for the “pleasure” of grinding a progress bar. I couldn’t care less about those kinds of things.

I don’t need to be tricked into paying for a video game. In fact, if you are deliberately trying to use these kinds of slimy tricks, I’m more likely to not buy anything.