Unavailable in belgium

So blizzard hasn’t responded on this matter yet
Since their is no lootboxes in the game, it should be available in belgium
So far it’s not … with no info about belgium yet.
I guess the game will not be playable here.


Same question. One another post about this has delete without any answer.

Its weird how they talk about trying to include everyone everywhere the whole time. But when a country can’t play it they don’t wanna go trough the trouble of trying to get that to work. same with diablo immortal…

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So annoying. Tried apk and that didn’t work eurgh.

C’mon Blizzard, at least tell us why Belgium is excluded from being able to play WR…

Why are we excluded and why they delete posts about that?

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Same in Vietnam, don’t understand why they don’t declare any limitation in released areas.

I have no idea , and indeed 3th time already blizzard deleted my post or our posts…

Ticket support really has no clue what to say against us as well and they act like they don’t know a thing about it.

Seems like this game is never coming to belgium!

Shame indeed. Would also like clarification why this one isnt available here.

Even tried installing the apk via different app store. But when booting up the game it calls back to a google service which then closes the game.

Unlike diablo immortal, that one we could at least download, install and play just not via the google play store. Not sure why this one works different.

So far for blizzard and inclusion… #metoo :joy:

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Still no explenation why we can’t play it in belgium ?

No, Belgium can’t play but Netherland, with same law, can.

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Hi There, Is there any new yet about this game being playable in Belgium?

i think blizzard doesn’t want to admit they put lootboxes in it with another name, either way it’s not so hard to release a version in belgium where lootboxes are disabled, it is for overwatch, so why not for the other games? I just want the rewards attached to it for world of warcraft


True, but this time WR is released in netherland where they have the same law against lootbox.

Yeah so not sure why it’s excluded in belgium. If only Blizzard responded.

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Yo pour les belges, allez dans vos parametres de compte, changer le pays avec France et vous arriverez à la DL sans soucis, bon jeu à vous.

Bien essayé, mais on ne peut pas changer de pays comme ça et en plus le compte Bilzz est localisé aussi.

Is it the same ? Maybe the game is still coming out for us, but what i’m finding strange is that there is litteraly 0 Response from any blizzard employee, not even from tickets. The tickets tell us to come here but when there is a topic it gets deleted and not responded.

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No response nowhere (X,FB,tickets,here).
Since yesterday, 5posts have deleted without any reason.
Search on google Warcraft Rumble Belgium, you can find these post links but 404error now