As title says. There are no sport, no competion, no tactic, literally anything you can do vs a Deep Breath player in PvP. Unless you have it yourself ofcourse.
Its extremly frustrating to lose against players that is bad players, with bad setup or bad tactics just because they have Deep Breath.
Either remove the damn thing or nerf it to 50% of todays damage. Then you atleast can have healers save these 3 gold or below minis.
As it is now its a instagib.
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I think it can stay as it is. It’s supposed to be something special that you won against Onyxia for. It depends on the tactics and you can also win against players with deep breath. I’ve already won against many players who used it without me having it. Please don’t always want to nerf everything in the game, which is good.
IF you beat a player with Deep Breath they suck or disconnected.
You wont handle a player with DB who isnt completly wank.
That player just DB your minis and thats it, yours are either dead or nearly dead. The opponents are alive and kicking, all of them.
From there they just poke your base some and its rinse and repeat and theres zero you can do about it.
Its rediculos.
Add the Jaina, harvest setup on top of that.
I 100% sure 100 of 100 top pvp players have DB.
Rest can go pat the cat or something.
It’s more like you just suck, and dont know how to play. Lol
Sure noob, how do you feel now, when DB sucks and Malfurion, harvester, huntress, blizzard combo is superoverpowererd?
Before Doomhammer or Anub’arak came Malfurion was unstoppable with the combo I mentioned.
You need to L2P.