They said thanks we listened you but they don't

They don’t listen - 20 quests a day when you progress at certain level and encounter heroics that require specific cards you only have 20 quests a day, wth!
Remove this limit, questing is so boring but atleast we can very slow progress some cards, I’m facing 21 hc and cannot event try them.
I’m done with dungeons, quests just 20, heroics cannot even attempt…I have nothing to do.
Listen us we cannot progress it’s so frustrating
Playing since a month and I’m done? You want to add minis but we cannot level up the currents, even our main army! Seriously rethink to that. And at the end we are asking to unlock a super boring task but we don’t have alternatives this is how you designed this game somehow so can’t understand why you don’t listen and act immediately. PLEASE LISTEN


They won’t change it. I mean, they literally removed the general forum here so nobody has a voice. You got the cap, as did I, there’s nothing else to do now but log out and wait for resets. Their loss because fewer hours in game where people could spend.


I agree, unless you Pay to Win by buying tons of gold and packs, when you hit that quest limit of 20 there is nothing to do. Quests get too hard in later stages, heroics are a joke on difficulty being too hard and PVP is so unbalanced because of the Minis ranks and talents. Those that spend more win more. We need to be able to do unlimited quests just to somewhat keep up.


Not to mention they say they will listen to us players yet there is no general or any other forums to voice our opinions and ideas.


Agreed, Remove the limit. :left_speech_bubble:

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Exactly, altough heroics becomes very hard and sometimes ridiculous in the mechanic, I’m referring to the fact that certain levels (e.g. Arugal, Goreclaw) they don’t make the mechanic tricky their poor level of design was just to huge push you since the start, or to play with triple your golds, or repeat minis in a row, all things that makes the game unfair, but ok. It’s PvE and we need to find our way, so that some minis becomes more critical for certain heroics, then ok I can wait to progress there in favor of focusing on those minis, it’s boring because questing is boring but atleast we have a scope.
But if I can’t level those minis, I just stucked with nothing to do and just after a month of playing.
I can even spend my money no problem but give me chance for a serious progress.

Remove the limit and add a small amount of gold as a reward for questing.
This game is fun but the monetization is freaking insanely bad. to progress at higher levels you will need to spend at least 350$

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It’s a slot machine gambling addiction business… it’s all about tricking you into believing this is a fun game so you spend money… after that they don’t care

Heroics are pure whale gambling. There is a hidden thing in the AI that makes heroic AI produce more if you equal or less rating to force you to p2w to get past them. Just evil!


yes, that is how you make players quit, not want to stay engaged, and especially not want to spend more money.

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Exactly! Do you want I spend my money, yes I can give me the big progress otherwise I will not spend anything and I will quit

They are ignoring us, horrible

Edit 10nov: No way they don’t listen and we are completely stucked, shortly quitting it’s so boring and so unprofessional, they cheated us