Pvp level disadvantage

I am avg level 7 and the only levels i am put up against in pvp are 9 and above, mostly 10s. i am asking for this to be fixed as i literally spent a whole day trying to get the pvp season reward and cannot do it because i need a couple more wins. I keep getting put against much higher level than myself which is complete trash of a system, there is no skill in being destroyed by something that should be weak against you, it is infuriating to the point of considering quitting the game. I am legit livid from spending all day just trying to get a FAIR match, why does this not exist Blizz? im pretty sure it was advertised in the beginning that we could have level limits, been plat for a while so obviously i know that isnt true but holy cow can i get a fair match without going against constant whales?


It would help if they saved every win instead of letting us fall back after every loss. It’s so hard to move up when you keep getting pitted against higher levels 60% of the time and

i agree.

they just want to artificially drag out our play time, and keep us playing longer.

i have basically quit because of this garbage.

They need to establish level caps again… to make the pvp experience better… being put against players 2+ levels over your minis isnt fair and is frustrating in the long run.

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