Please please remove the useless 20 daily quest limit

Per title. Please it has no sense. At a certain level you need to level up minis that you didn’t focus but needed for certain hc mechanics or level up your best mini. Even with no limit is a superlong activity and boring but atleast we can slowly raise them up, with 20 quest x day it is impossible.
Also when you are done with 20 quests, stuck on heroic, finished with dungeons, not considering arclight couple of days that just takes 20 mins, there is nothing to do.
20 quests are approx 2.2k xp with arclight booster at my level 28, so absolutely nothing.



But they want you to spend money to progress :wink: Why would they remove it.
Its laughable because 20 quests dont give any game-changing xp and take a lot of time to complete if you not full-time grinding it like some ppl seem to do :smiley:


agreed, remove the limit.

Same, I have nothing else to do so I will just not do nothing else in the game, it’s not going to inspire me to spend more money. Raise the limit or release repeatable pve content that is uncapped like pvp (note, I have zero interest in pvp)

Agreed, Remove the limit.

They are not taking us seriously just ignoring… Will have consequences

making the game frustrating and unfun, EVEN WHEN PAYING, will drive players away who will not be spending (more) money… come on blizz!

i quit playing mercenaries because it turned into an endless unfun grind even when you paid.

so if you want people to keep playing and paying, you will keep it fun for them to casually (or constantly) grind something that will keep them rewarded, not to limit them daily etc.

and double the surges and daily wins while we’re at it.


No way bad start!
They don’t listen us!
New minis? 54 minis that you can’t level up are not enough?
New dungeons? Do we need them?
New maps ? Do we need ? We cannot level up minis so we cannot progress on HC and they want to give us a nee area???
Just horrible, playing since a month and stucked, nothing to do, i think my money will go to CoD

Has Blizzard every touched on this in any of their communication? I don’t think the limit has to be removed, but it surely needs a large increase.