Please nerf Malfurion hero!

They nerf him but not enough. He still overpower with his shield buff and healing unites in PvP. That’s over exaggerate how they make him. Cmon nerf him to be fair with other heroes!!!


I agree. Once again a season where (almost) Mal is only viable hero to play at high rating.
And once again it’s the same setup. Harvester, huntress, blizzard, Ancient.
Its redicoulus.
We never get to play the other heroes in pvp.
(disciaimer: Anub, Doomhammer and Bloodmage quite good too.)
But that’s 4 out of like 20 heroes. Rest is of no use.
Its boring.

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I agree.

Seed of Protection is better to apply this effect only to friendly buildings and meeting stones, and not to minis.
Currently, Malfurion is upwardly compatible with the demigod Cenarius.

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I MORE than agree. So tired of getting my @$$ kicked repeatedly

i agree 110% they need to nerf malf so badly … it dont matter what hero i use or if my party is lvl 10 or 11… if i fight any malf lvl 8-9 or better that use huntress+harvester with blizzard its a auto lose … we wont mention the witch doctor on top of those its just stupide and border line of the exploit … seriously … and for all of us PC gamer we dont have any split heros vs mobile player they have 1 extra year of farming on top of having all split heros for free… but us the PC gamer we only have at most 9 week of farming + we gonna have to pay 140$ per split heros … what kind is stupidity is this …Blizzard need to make this game fair for evryone and give us the Pc gamer a way to catch up the mobile player for free…

Cenarius > Malf today. He’s been nerfed enough. It’s better to remove him than any further nerf. Even Sylvanas can counter Malfurion, not to mention Murk-eye or Anub.

I also agree. I can’t stand how stupid Blizzards developers are or how they just let bricks test the balance changes. Let see… stack units that cant die if they get healed and shielded = win. Unless you Pay to Play, forget it. F******g corporate greed every time.

Better you all uninstall game !