PC version not starting

I had the same issue
I did deinstall and reinstall 3 times, then it downloaded 7gb and worked

I had the same problem and found a fix: Download it first, then Option-> update.
It downloaded the rest and now the PC version is working fine.

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looks like they fixed it, just went to try install again and its 7gigs now


Yes Iā€™m playing it now. Iā€™m at 6.18Gbs.

Downloaded and installed today for the first time. Had a blast playing for about an hour and then it frozeā€¦
Currently stuck on ā€œInitializingā€¦ please waitā€ for an update.
Tried uninstalling re-installing, restarted the computer, scanned for fixā€¦ Nothing.

Edit: when I open the game through explorer instead of the app it opens but says
ā€œConnection Error
We couldnā€™t verify your account details. Check your login information and try again.ā€

I was having the same issue. In battle.net instead of clicking play on the rumble page there is a gear icon, and selected scan and repair option and it worked for me. Good luck